Chapter 26- Vampi-human

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When we wish for something so badly we are willing to do anything to get it. But there are times when we get to the end of the line, and we ask ourselves again if we want it now that we already have it, and the answer could be a no, because it wasn't what we expected or simply we don't want it anymore....
-Of course honey, I always wanted you to call me that- Daniel said and hugged me
I could feel how fake were his words, his hug and more important, his feelings.
-I have to go dad, see you tomorrow, we still need to catch up- I said
It was already dark so I drove back to my apartment, Elsa wasn't there, probably she went to see her brother. In my apartment I lain on my bed after a blood bag, I was tired and I didn't even know of what.
I was planning on closing my eyes for a while until I heard a knock which made me stand up from the bed. I opened to find Chester, he asked me to let him in, I could sense he was nervous and he wanted to talk. He entered inside without saying anything at first and sat down on my bed.
-Chester what's wrong?- I asked
-I am.... I am...- He couldn't finish
-Oh for your sake let out before I do it myself- I said
-I'm a vampire- Chester looked at me with horror
-You are what? How that happened?- I said and I don't think I even had a expression on my face
-I asked Ruby to turn me, I wanted to be a vampire, but it was harder that I thought- Chester said
-You think- I gave him a sarcastically smile
-I mean you make it look like it's simple- Chester said
-Because I have been a vampire since I was 19, even if I look like it I'm not 19 anymore.... And what the hell Ruby was thinking?- I asked
-She wanted for us to stay together forever- Chester said
-Oh right!!You're both making a romantic story about eternity... Have you already drank human blood?- I asked
-No...- Chester said
-Not to be rude or anything, but what are you doing here instead of Ruby's house?- I asked
-After I woke up she wasn't there....- Chester said
I went to the fridge I took out a blood bag for him
-Drink it, it's the only way to complete the transition....- I said and he started drinking it
-And then your own blood- I said and he let out some of the blood out of his mouth
-Why?- Chester asked
-Just to know how humans feel when you drink their blood, the first time will hurt, but after you heal, it gets better- I said
-How Mary turned you, I mean you didn't know you were a vampire before and you were growing up like a normal human?- Chester asked
-Well I was already a vampire so I only had to drink my own blood,Mary mixed that with rituals so I would think it was normal when in fact she was waking up my dark side... Well my darker side- I said
-What about Ruby, she's a vampire but she is suppose to be a werewolf too, how it's possible she never turns into one?- Chester asked
-I think werewolves have to kill a vampire before they can turn the first time, I guess she never did it, my sister is so innocent- I spoke with sarcasm
-So what about now?- Chester asked
-Now I called Megan and you start thinking about what kind of tattoo you want- I said
I took my phone and dialed Megan's number. She said she would be there in half an hour, even if she was next door.
Chester stood up from the bed as I told him Megan was coming. I turned on the TV to do something while we are waiting. Chester sat next to me...
-You know Ruby doesn't know this but I actually wanted to spend the eternity with someone- Chester said
-Good- I said without looking at him
-With you.. - He said and now I was looking at him
-I thought that maybe I could be part of your world in a whole new level, that now you realize I'm part of it- Chester said
-Are you high?- I asked
-No I'm not high, I want to be with you- Chester said, he was about to kiss me when another knock saved me
-That most be Megan- I said and ran to the door.
After opening the door my eyes focused on two brown eyes...
-I thought I was being clear when I said I didn't want to see you again- I said
-You gotta listen to him- Elsa said which I didn't look at her at first because I was focus on someone else.
-Just give me a cha...- Andrew stopped talking when he saw Chester behind me
I wasn't surprise because I heard his steps but Andrew did have an angry expression he tried so hard to contained.
-You know it will be nice that next time you don't want to see me again to give me the true reason- Andrew said and walked away toward the elevator
-Ohh he got mad- I could sense the laugh behind it from Chester
-Can you explain it to me? What is Chester doing in our apartment?- Elsa asked
-Ruby turned him and left so I'm stuck with him until Megan comes- I said
-Hey I didn't know I was so annoying- Chester said
-Well you are- I said and then asked Elsa to get inside instead of stranding outside.
-I need to talk to Ruby, I don't know what she was thinking- I said
-Can we talk in private?- Chester asked
-If it's about what was about to happen minutes ago, I don't want to, we can't be together, I don't feel that way anymore- I said
Megan opened the door and she looked at Chester first.
-Ready 'cause I am- Megan said
He chose a spider on a web close to the ankle.
-Okay let me called Andrew and tell him it was all a mistake- Elsa said walking toward the door
-Elsa don't move- I said
-What happened now?- Megan had an annoyed tone
-He thinks that Angel and I are together- Chester said
-Why don't you go to look for Ruby?- I asked
-Okay, I see you later- Chester said and walked outside
-Please just talk to my brother- Elsa said
-Elsa I know you want us to be together, but after what he did...-I said
-Just talk to him and then make your own mind- Elsa said
-Okay fine I'll talk to him, but only because of you- I said
-Well I'll go back to my boyfriend- Megan said
-You know you are cheating on me with him- I said
-I love you, too- Megan said and kiss me in the cheek
-That doesn't help- I said
-Love you, bye- Megan walked out the door
Elsa and I were the only ones in the room. She looked at me and I rolled my eyes. I took my keys, closed the door behind me as I walked to the hall. Elsa called an elevator and we both got in at the same time. When we got to the parking lot, I found my car and started it. Elsa sat in the passenger seat.
-I can't believe I'm doing this- I said
-You won't regret it, promise- Elsa said
We drove to Andrew's apartment. Elsa had the key so she opened. I wished I was blind in that moment, the moment when I found Andrew on the bed with Danielle, my sister.
-Okay maybe you will regret it- Elsa said and she looked as horrified as I was

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