Chapter 19- Lie to me

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We know the truth but we still live the lie, we could be scared of how much your life will change if the lie is gone and what we will lose. That's our fear losing what we love the most because of the lie, so we choose to live in the dollhouse where everything is perfect, but we could lose ourselves along the way.
I closed the nightstand after putting the picture back in, then act like nothing happened. I took a deep breath before picking up my stuff and leave, but he got out of the bathroom when I was about to open the door.
-Leaving without me- Andrew said
-I have to go now, see you around- I said
-Why are you always running away from me?- Andrew asked
-I'm not, I'm just not girlfriend material- I said
-I'm not asking you to be mine, but don't run I'm not going to hurt you- Andrew said
-How can I be sure of that?, I know nothing about you, how can I trust you?- I asked
-You're right you know nothing about me- He said looking into my eyes
-I'm going with Elsa now she must be worry, I didn't tell her where I am- I said and closed the door
I opened the door again...
-Bu the way, happy birthday, you see I know something about you- I said and closed the door for the second time
I knew it was different this time, I couldn't tell him I knew, something inside me told him I needed him more than before. I tried to fight it but I kept coming back, I keep coming back.
I drove to my apartment. Elsa was already there waiting for me.
-Where were you?- Elsa asked
-You wouldn't believe me if I tell you- I said
-So are you coming to the party?, we're going to the bar- Elsa said
-Okay fine but I'm not getting him any presents, I already made his day so- I said
-What?- Elsa asked
-Forget about it- I said
-Okay Megan and Ethan are coming back, so they also going to be there, and Ruby and.. Chester, are you okay with that?- Elsa asked
-Why not, trust me I have other plans in mind and have nothing to do with Chester- I said
-New victim?- Elsa smirked
-Kinda- I smirked back
-I need to talk to Megan about something- I said
-About what?- Elsa asked
-Tattoos- I said
-Do you want another one?- Elsa asked
-No, my tattoo is lock and she said someday I will find the key on someone else's tattoo, he will be a big part of my life- I said
-Did you find him?- Elsa asked
-Yeah but he's not the guy I expected- I said
-Who's the guy?- Elsa asked
-Your brother- I said taking my time pronouncing the r
-I knew you are perfect for each other- Elsa said
-Not happening- I said
-Why not?- Elsa asked
-I don't I just don't like him- I said
-Well that wasn't what your body language was telling me just half an hour ago- Andrew walked in
-Next time knock- I said
-I'm the birthday boy, I do what I want today- Andrew said
-Getting older, 21 already- I said
-Oh it's okay I'm like fine wine I get hotter with age, you found that out this morning- Andrew said
-Do you guys slept together?- Elsa asked
-No sis we were just playing house on the bed- Andrew said
-That's all you the information you're getting no more details- I said
-You shut up, no else need to know- I said
-This is better than I thought, I have to tell Megan- Elsa said and walked out of the room
-Don't tell....- I said just seconds before she closed the door behind her
-Why did you open your mouth?- I say
- Was I supposed to not say anything?- Andrew asked
-Yeah, I don't want people to know what I'm doing with guys- I said
-Guys or just me, you don't care what people think, it's not about having sex with a guy is about having sex with me- Andrew said
-Why are you so complicated?- I asked
-Why are you? I'm just happy that the girl of my dreams finally looks at me with different eyes, so I'm sorry if I want to scream it to the world- Andrew said raising his voice
-It was just sex- I said lying to myself
-Not it wasn't I felt you, you maybe don't know what are you feeling but there is something and you know it- Andrew said with his voice elevated
-You feel so confident about yourself- I said
-Actually no, because I always feel like I'm not good enough for you- Andrew yelled before leaving the room
-I need ice cream- I said to myself and opened the fridge
I took out an ice cream container, a spoon and chocolate syrup. I sat on the couch looking at a turn off TV. Andrew just came into my mind like he belonged in there, I'm tired of fighting it. Love had shown me it just make people weak I can't fall again, not for him, I knew he hates and with reason, I killed his brother and mother and left them without anywhere to go. Just the way I felt when I was a child but it was different, I only had to take care of me, he had to take care of her sister, and it was all my fault.
Megan opened the door and walked in.
- Miss me, why I'm asking of course you did- Megan said
Megan stopped talking and looked at me.
-What happened? Are you actually eating all that ice cream, that means depression, tell me everything- Megan said
-It could mean I like ice cream- I said
-What happened?- Megan said
-Guys.... when you fall for them they are just looking for sex, and when you think they are looking for sex they want you to love them- I said
-Which guy are you talking about?- Megan asked
-It doesn't matter, let's just go to Drew's birthday- I said
-You nickname the guy- Megan said
-I have done it before- I said
-Little Andy was to mock him, this time it was different maybe the tone- Megan said
-You are definitely crazy, let's go- I said
I walked toward the door and Megan followed me, still trying to figure out my tone.
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