Chapter 20- Broken

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We hurt people all the time, sometimes we have reasons and sometimes we don't, it can also happen we don't realize we doing it. And they say we all make mistakes and hurting people is one of them. But even if you want to hurt badly a person remember you can't break what it's already broken.
We got to the bar and I scanned for Andrew. I saw him seating on one of the tables. He looked at me and I looked somewhere else. But I still walked where he was, I mean that was the whole point on going to the bar tonight, his birthday.
As soon as I sat down in his table he stood up and walked away.
-I thought you guys were okay- Elsa said
-We kinda of fight when you left- I said
-I didn't even know there was a we- Megan said
-It should be sex after fight not the other way around- Elsa said
-Sex, I'm so behind- Megan said
-Just see if he's okay, I'm just leaving- I said
-No, stay I'll talk to him- Elsa said and walked away
-I thought you and Andrew hate each other- Megan said
-We did but we spent the night together and even part of the morning and he has a tattoo of a wolf with a key on its mouth- I said
-You broke one of your rules and the guy has the key I told you about- Megan said
- He is mad because I told him not to tell anybody- I said
-You broke #3 rule- Megan said
-Focus Megan- I said
-Okay, why don't you want anybody to know?- Megan asked
-I don't know something about him is different, I find myself thinking about him and he's like a challenge to me, I don't like that- I said
-No you like that but you don't want to admit it because you don't want to get attached- Megan said
-No strings attached it's my motto- I said
-He's coming!!!- Megan said
-I'm leaving- I said
-Not you're staying- Andrew said
-I thought you didn't want to see me- I said
-I never say that, by the way I promise you're going to love me- Andrew said and asked the bartender for a drink
I tried to hide my smile, I already like him, I already love him.
Andrew walked to Elsa who was two tables away from ours talking to Ryan. Chester got close to use and Megan left to leave us alone.
-We haven't spoken in a while- Chester said
-Yeah I have been busy, besides I don't want any trouble with my sister, I have a lot of problems on my own- I said
-And that guy doesn't help, he does not leave you alone for a second- Chester said
-I guess you're referring to Andrew- I said
-Yeah that guy- Chester said
-That guy is my friend, and he has been there when I needed ever since- I said
-I didn't mean to upset you- Chester said
-Just don't talk about things you don't know- I said, stood up and walked toward Andrew
-Hey, I hope you're not mad at me, I didn't want to break your heart or anything, I just don't do relationships- I said
-Don't worry you can't break what it's already broken-Andrew said and walked away from me looking to Chester with the corner of his eye.
-I definitely don't get guys- I said
-Which one Andrew or my boyfriend?- Ruby asked
-In general but just so you know your boyfriend is out of my map- I said
-Anyways, I haven't talk to you in a while, any news?- Ruby asked
-Today is Andrew's birthday- I said which annoyed her
-I know, but I mean about you- Ruby said
-Ruby, my life is the boring thing you can think of, besides you know I don't talk about myself much so- I said
Ruby and I looked at Elsa when she started speaking.
-Everybody time for the happy birthday song- Elsa yelled
During the whole song I just laughed at Andrew, he looked ridiculous with the birthday hat on his head,Elsa made him put it on.
I woke up next day really tired like a truck passed over me. But I still had to go to Ruby's school.
-Wake up- Elsa said while putting her backpack on
-Hey do you know anything about a meeting on your school?- I asked
-Oh yeah my brother is going-Elsa said
-Your brother is going- I said
-Yeah- Elsa said
-Great- I said with sarcasm
I took a bath, brushed my teeth and got ready for the meeting.
-Where you going so early?-Ethan said walking outside of his apartment to the balcony
-Oh I have to play mom with my sister, tell Megan I love her- I said
-I will, don't get pregnant again- Ethan said
A hand on my shoulder started shaking me, trying to wake me up. As I opened my eyes I realized it was Elsa.
-Dreaming?- Elsa asked
-More like remembering- I said with just an opened eye
-About what?- Elsa asked
-Last winter...- I said
I sat in the bed and tried to brush with my hands my messy hair.
-Oh yeah Christmas, love it, I'm still sad I couldn't be with you- I said
-It's okay, you had a good time, that's what matters- I said
-Oh and Andrew's party was the best- Elsa said
-Yeah it was, now I'm going back to bed- I said
-No way, there is a meeting today at school, Ruby called to ask you to go there- Elsa said
-Now, it's 6:00 AM- I said
-I thought vampires don't need to sleep- Elsa said
-Well I'm an exception.... What time?- I asked
-In two hours, my brother left already, if not I would have ask him to go with you- Elsa said
-Your brother is going?- I asked
-Yeah- Elsa said
-Great- I said and throw myself in the bed.
I drove to Ruby's school and I found in the entrance, guys getting drunk, some girls walking like sluts, just to get guys attention, which they didn't mind at all.
I walked inside the school and I didn't find my sister, so I called her. While waiting I felt a presence behind my back.
-Seems like you can't stay away from me- Andrew said

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