Lets be Friends

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After finishing her mini dialogue, she sits up, waking Daisy from her slumber.

"Good afternoon Daisy."

Sakura smiled at Daisy's confused and dazed state, only to whiden her eyes when Daisy started to cry and suddenly hugged her.

"Oh princess! Your ok again. Please don't be sad anymore. Do you want me to bring Raphael over, he didn't leave you, he just needed to get something!"

Daisy was panicking and didn't want to see her princess crying like she did a few hours ago.

But she was stopped from trying to retrieve Raphael and she turn to Ivy, who woke up from the commotion. Ivy stood up quickly when she saw Sakura up. Taking a few steps, she finally reached Sakura.

"Your highness, are you feeling much better?"
"Yup. I'm hungry."
Ivy sighs in relief and told her she will see if there is anything prepared for her to eat.

"Daisy, I leave her highness with you."
"Aye!" Daisy does a salute and stays beside Sakura until Ivy comes back, but she did not come alone. Raphael appears in the room and looks at Sakura, only to see the girl look down and start fidgeting with her hand.

Sakura didn't know how to face Raphael, she felt embarrassed and ashamed that she had that terrifying fit.

"I'm already in my 20s and I showed such an embarrassment moment to so many people, especially Raphael. I begged him not to leave me!!! Ugh! Cringe worthy to the max man!'

While cringing in her mind of her embarrassing desplay, she wonders maybe another reason emotions are in the rampage is because her body is that of a child.

"Your highness."
'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Be calm Sakura, Be calm.'

"Your highness, are you in better health?"
Raphael was just a hands away, he can tell Sakura was awkward and didn't know how to look at him. But when he thinks of this, he can only try to reassure her.

'It's ok, I won't ever look at you different.'
Raphael reaches out and softly caresses her head, she flinched a bit but sighed in relief, as if the weight of the world left her shoulder that moment.

She stands up and hugs him, her arms around his neck and holding onto him.
"Raphael.... I'm sorry..."
"It's fine princess, I'm sorry for raising my voice at you as well."

"No! You did that because you didn't want people to say stuff about me, you did it for me so you don't have to appolagize."
She lessens her hold of him so she can look him at the face. She was a bit shy and hesitant in what she was going to say, but when she saw his smile, that smiled filled with parental love she didn't hesitate anymore.

"I don't hate Raphael.... I.... really love... Raph..." the bit of courage she mustered up was dimming bit by bit, till the last words left in a whisper. Her cheeks were a flushed pink, she started to feel self-conscious and was having a hard time to express herself in such a sappy way.

'Damn, this is different from having an emotional outburst, in that I don't think rationally so it's less awkward, but I'm more conscious than ever and it sound like a confession. I'm not good at this dammit!'

Feeling that she is starting to regret her actions, she felt Raphael's hand on top of her head, gently patting it.

"I'm truly happy that princess doesn't hate me, because your highness birth was the most joyous moment in my life."
He lightly tilts her head so they made eye contact, Sakura looked at those beautiful clear blue eyes with a hint of green and was enthralled with them.

"I love her highness, no.. I love Sakura as much as you love me, you are my most important child. We may not share the same blood, but I love you as my daughter. I will never turn my back to you, I will always be by your side. And if you ever have a moment were you are lost, I will put my life on the line to bring you back home. Know that."

Falling petalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora