Enemies At The Gate

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"All units, be ready to fire!" A commander yelled. "OPEN THE GATE!" Steel radioed to the ground crew. "FIRE!!!!!" The commander yells. 30+ Gun Emplacements open fire, aimed at the T-14 armatas following steel's convoy. 3 tanks were pummeled with shells from those gun emplacements, leaving one final tank before the main wave of enemies. "We need a doctor in here stat!" Steel commanded. Daniel, Roxas, Xion, and Sari were all being carried into the hospital on Gurneys, several staff rushed to the injured team of 4, some in shock, others not so much. "We only have 2 operating rooms open right now, not much staff can be spared right now from the previous battle we just had, im sorry but their just gonna have to wait their turn like everyone else." The head doctor spoke up. "I've really had enough of this shit, have you josh?" Steel angrily stared at the doctor. "Ya, I'm Frankly quite tired of this bullshit." Josh responded. Suddenly Steel pushes the doctor against the wall putting him in a choke hold, 2 seconds later josh points a gun to the doctors head. Josh had a special ops team follow him into the hospital, each and every one of them pointed their guns at the soldier drawing their weapons. "You have 3 seconds to get my friends into an operating room and start treating them, now!" Josh mumbled into the doctors ear. "Alright fine, FINE! Rooms 2 and 6 are open, split them up and get them prepped and ready for me." the doctor grabbed his throat in pain. *30 miles north* "We have a very sever situation going on, our massive base down south is being attacked and has requested that we send close air support that way." An airforce base commander filled his troops in what was going on. "lest get to it!" he closed his binder of information. *On the airstrip* "Foxtrot 1-4 getting ready for take-off for help to the base in the south." Jack radioed to the watch tower. "Roger that, your all clear for take off, happy hunting." watch tower replied. Jack gives a thumbs up to the helicopter to his left. Simultaneously, Four AH-64D attack helicopters lift off into the air, quickly heading to the massive military installation down south. *Back at base* "Steel stay here with them, I'm gonna join back in the fight" Josh looked at Steel before walking away. "Roger!" Steel replied looking through the operating window where daniel and Sari were being operated on. Josh hopped into a Ramka-99 with his crew and drove to the front gate. *10 miles away* U.S. Battleship 64 Montana that was recently put back into service is making its routine check of the straight just off the coast of Arabia, when the distress call comes in. *inside the control room* "Captain Anna, we just received a distress call from a military base south of us, their within firing range." one the crew members handed a paper to Anna. "very well, lets radio in and see if were needed, make a full stop so we have better accuracy as well." Anna smiled, her first chance to put the new Mark VIIII guns to use. *back at base* Josh's radio Chimes in. "forward operating base Echo, this is Battleship 64 reporting in for potential fire support, over." Anna radioed. "Ah excellent timing, we are in very much need of fire support right now, coordinates to follow soon, over." Josh replied with a grin on his face. "Roger, on standby ready to fire." Anna replied. "Alright the coordinates are <redacted> over" Josh radioed in looking through his commanders sights. "Coordinates set, ready to fire Ma'am." one of the four turret gunners said to Anna. "Fire at will." Anna replied on the bridge. in sync, all twelve guns fired, launching their deadly 2,700 LBS projectiles at the enemy. *about 30 seconds later* "good hits, keep them coming!" Josh laughed radioing to Anna. "Will do!" Anna smiled. "Foxtrot 1-4 coming in for a strafing run on ground targets, mark for run." Jack radioed to josh. "Marking the targets with bullet tracers right now." Josh replied. The cannons on josh's tank roared to life lighting up the targets like christmas trees. "targets locked one, standby for gun run." Jack replied. all four apaches starting firing hydra missiles down at enemy armor. "Good run, many targets down." Josh radioed to Jack. "Shit! hold on missile lock on!" Jack yelled to his gunner. jack made his helicopter do a barrel roll while deploying flares to avoid the incoming missile coming in from enemy anti air. "Turning around for another run shortly." Jack radioed to josh. "Enemy hinds coming in on your 6 o'clock." Josh replied pointing to the hinds for the other anti air. 4+ Ramka-99s including josh's tanking opened fire on the enemy hinds quickly dropping them to the ground. "all clear." one of the tans said to josh. *1 hour later, back on Battleship Montana* "ENEMY SHIP SPOTTED TO OUR TWELVE O'CLOCK, IT"S A MASSIVE ONE!" The spotter screeched. "What, no way, did someone track our location?" Anna grabbed her binos looking at the ship in the distance. "Thats IJN Battleship Yamato!" Anna gasped in shock. suddenly Yamato's forward facing guns open fire on Montana. "Take cover!!!!" Anna commanded to her crew while taking cover.

To be continued....

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