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"do you know how to operate this gun?" Daniel asked setting up his position. "Kind of?" Sari asked looking at the heavy machine gun. "Ok you see this lid? Open it, put the bullet chain on this spot right here, close the lid, and pull back the charging handle, then your ready to fire." Daniel lectured Sari. "Got it!" Sari replied. *BANG BANG BANG* the muzzle flash and the sound of the gun was thumping through saris chest, she layed there for a second looking at how calm Daniel was. "What are you looking at get firing." Daniel looked over his shoulder. *BANG!* Sari pulled the trigger and was shocked to see how much it kicked back. She fired m4s and pistols before, but none of them compared to this one, and she kind of liked it. "Quit stalling fire more! Multiple enemies ahead!" Daniel pointed to his 11 o'clock. "Got it!" Sari replied focusing down sights. She pulls the trigger releasing a stream of bullets. *Sari feels a leg hit her side, she stops firing.* "Hey what was that for!" Sari yelled angrily. "Your wasting ammo, slow down, fire in burst like me, watch." Daniel pulls his trigger shooting 3 or 4 bullets every 3 seconds give or take. "You gotta conserve ammo, and more importantly, not overheat the gun." Daniel looked back. "Ok but you don't got to kick me." Sari crossed her arms. "Look I'm sorry, but if you don't start firing people are gonna die." Daniel yelled shooting back at the enemy. Now both of them were laying into the enemy keeping them from advancing too far. "Wow those are pretty loud, huh." Xion looked back at the machine gunners (Sari and Daniel) they were on the bottom floor outside behind a fountain for cover. "Wait is that who I think it is?" Roxas said looking through the binoculars at Sari and Daniel. "OMG look! It's sari and Daniel!" Roxas pointed at them while handing the binocs to Xion. *Radio opens up "good shooting but we need you to concentrate fire on the building towards your three o'clock." Roxas yelled over the gunfire. "Roger! Concentrating fire on my three o'clock, sari get next to me." Sari signalled for sari to come over. "Get ready for one hell of a fight." Daniel smiled while looking at the enemy. "Roger!" Sari replied feeling confident.

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