Next In The Line

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"Enemy tank! 3 o'clock!" Josh yelled. The M2A3 Bradley's turret turns to the 3 o'clock position. "oh fuck.... T-14 Armatas, seven of them!" the bradley gunner screeched. A fleet of T-14 Armatas have flanked convoy and are attempting to block the convoy in. "More tanks! 6 o'clock!" a spotter yelled. "OFF THE ROAD! GO!" Steel yelled. the convoy pulls off the left side of the road going down the hill trying to gain speed, while avoiding enemy fire as best as they could. The first of the seven Armatas jumps over the road and straight in front of the convoy. The lead XM1A3 tank screeched to a halt as the enemy tank leaps in front of it. Thanks to momentum, the T-14 continued forward, exposing itself to three other tanks. *three large bangs ring out* all three tanks simultaneously open fire on the left side of the enemy T-14. One of the three shots hits the tanks ammo carousel, igniting the ammunition. the tank furiously roars with fire spreading form every nook and cranny of the tank, but no turret explosion. as the convoy gained speed on the left side of the road, the ground began to even out with the road, exposing them once again. Another T-14 is seen racing along the convoy on the other side of the road. *BANG* Steel shoots at the tank, hitting the back driving wheel on the tank, making it take a hard left, flipping upside down. (at low speeds, the tank would normally take a hard left tank, but at speeds like 30-40 MPH would certainly mean an over turn.) 2 tanks down, 5 more left. 3 T-14s held off till the end of the convoy, trailing behind the convoy. "3 tanks following right behind us!" the Humvee radioed ahead. "roger! get in front of us!" Josh radioed back. "gunner rotate gun to the 6 o'clock position!" Josh yelled over the roar of the engine. The humvee speeds in front of Josh's bradley. "rotate turret 6 o'clock, aim for the cannon barrel, then track!" Josh commanded. "On it!" the gunner replied. In the middle of the convoy was Daniel and his crew in the truck. "seems like one hell of a fight is going on... Too bad I can't help..." Daniel thought. *BANG BANG BANG BANG* The gunner started shooting the enemy T-14's gun barrel, attempting to make it impossible for it to shoot. "Thats enough, aim for the tracks." Josh yelled again. *PING!!!!* A track link on the T-14 broke off the right track, spinning the tank into another T-14 destroying both of their gun barrels. "3 left, but where is it?" josh wondered. Suddenly, the last tank appears over the hill. "OH Fuck! thats Abdus Salam, a famous tank commander!" Steel yelled to the convoy. *BANG* one single shot rings out, its from the T-14, the shell flies straight into and Abrams, instantly blowing the turret off. "HOLD ON!" the truck driver yelled, nearly dodging the Abrams. "Oh shit!" Xion yelled. Xion put her foot against the stretchers carrying Daniel, Roxas, and Sari, preventing them from sliding around. Dust, Smoke, and shrapnel flew in and around the truck. "We're in position and ready to fire once you get behind our line of fire." a voice rung out on the radio. "roger, get ready, we're less than 30 seconds out." steel replied. *screaming randomly starts* Daniel looks over to his right to see sari squirming and screaming. "What's wrong?" Daniel yelled over all the noise. No response, so Daniel sits up and crawls to her, grabbing her and cradling her. Still screaming her head off, Daniel notices she's bleeding heavily. "Hurry up, saris losing blood quickly!" Daniel yelled to the truck driver. He gives her a shot of morphine to help the pain. He franticly tries to calm her down, it slowly works as soon as roxas begins to scream. Xion runs to his side and does the same thing. "How much farther do we have to go?" Daniel asked. "We're right at the gate!" The driver yelled back. "Guns ready! FIRE!" A commander yelled........

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