Last Breath?

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Daniel sat there cradling the lifeless corpse of Noah screaming and crying. Liam put a hand "we need to go, I'm sorry." Liam said sorrowlly. They both got up stumbling from the muzzle brake from the other tank fired. "Wait I dropped my rifle." Liam yelled running back to the gun. Bzzt! Ping! Daniel looked over to. The tank on his right like it was in slowmotion as the shell pierced the turret ring of the tank. The turret instantly blew off the tank throwing it skywards heading straight back down to Liam "RUN LIAM!!!" Daniel yelled. Liam looked up and started running the turret closing in on top of him, he made a last lunge barely making it as the roof of the turret crushes his left leg while the other one remains free. "FUCK!!!! HELP ME DANIEL PLEASE!" Liam yelled in extreme pain. "I'M COMING! I'm gonna have to cut off your leg, it's gonna hurt. Can you take the pain without passing out?" Daniel asked pulling out his knife. "Do it, don't let me get kidnapped by ISIS, I don't wanna be tortured by ISIS." Liam pleaded. The knife punctured his skin like butter instantly exposing the muscle and throwing blood everywhere, the muscles and nerves ripped right apart from the tension they were under, The cartilage was left. "FUCK!!! HURRY UP OK!!!" Liam yelled grabbing onto Daniel's leg. "I'm trying ok!" Daniel replied. The leg broke free squirting lakes of blood, Daniel took off his top BDU and tied it around his stump of a leg. "LETS FIND COVER!" Daniel yelled picking Liam up. They ran to the nearest building waiting out the fight. Daniel looked out a window "hey the fighting stopped, I'm gonna use a signal flare for the friendlies to see." Daniel said happily. He ran outside the building pulling out his signal gun. BANG! The gun went off making a bright green flare signalling friendlies in the area. Daniel got a sharp pain in his chest all of a sudden. He looked down at his chest with blood and a decent sized hole in it. "Shit." Daniel said passing out falling to the ground.

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