Were We Too Late?

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" a base near us is under attack, they have no protection." Daniel told Josh jumping on his tank. "Oof, ok well we're ready to jump on your tank whenever your ready." Josh replied. "Let's move out, we'll be ten minutes away from them." Steel radioed to everyone pulling out of the base. Ten tanks rolled out with them too. "Josh when we get close, use your grenade launcher and 50. Cal to help suppress the enemy till we get close enough to release your troops." Daniel said putting his helmet on. "Ok, got it." Josh replied. *10 minutes later* "wow, holy shit they weren't kidding about a small base." Josh thought. "Josh get on the 50. Cal." Daniel yelled.jodh got on the turret laying down so he wouldn't be thrown off the tank. *BANG BANG BANG* Josh released bullets trying to suppress the enemy. *Tank turns to the left in a ditch and stops*, "GO GO GO, OFF THE TANK!" Josh commanded to his troops."LOADER, ARMOR PIERCING!" Daniel yelled. "UP!" Sari replied. "ON THE WAY!" Xion yelled. *BOOM* the Canon fired it's deadly shell right into the left turret of an T-90A. "TANK DOWN!" Xion yelled. Josh's troops pushed into the back entrance of the base. "Clear the base inch by inch, regroup at the HQ!" Josh commanded. "INCOMING SHELL!" Daniel yelled. *PING* a enemy round hit the front of the turret. "Daniel, there's two tanks in front of the HQ! WERE PINNED DOWN!" Josh yelled over the gunfire. "ROGER! DRIVER, ROLLOUT." Daniel replied. The other tanks were busy fighting infantry and some other tanks here and there. "DRIVER STOP!" Daniel yelled. The tank came to a schreeching halt as a tank to the left fired scrapping the top of the hull. "Enemy tank 9 o'clock!" Daniel yelled. The turret turned left pointing the barrel right down the other tanks barrel. "FIRE!" Daniel yelled. The tank fired at the same time as Daniel's did, when Daniel's tank fired it hit the upper glacious plate of the tank (upper belly of the tank) daniels tank hit the tank just before it fired pushing the tanks downwards, when it fired, the shell went underneath Daniel's tank skipping off the ground and flying off into a building on the other side of the tank. "Any damages?" Daniel asked. "Everything is fine." Roxas replied. "I need two more tanks!" Daniel commanded. "Roger!" Two tank commanders replied. "Fuck we can't move!" Kaeden yelled. "Just wait, Daniel will be here in a sec." Josh replied. Josh was sitting behind cover, smoking a cigarette and drinking from his flask. "How can you be so calm?" Kaeden asked. "I've been through a lot worse shit before." Josh laughed. *BOOM, whistling of a bullet flying* randomly out of nowhere one of the T-90s exploded throwing the turret in the air. "Ha! There they are!" Josh laughed while pointing towards the tank breaking through a wall. The other tank fired hitting the building right next to Daniel's tank. "Gunner! Tank! 9 o'clock!" Daniel commanded. "ON THE WAY!" xion yelled back. (Another way of saying I'm firing, also warns the crew that the gun is about to be fired) *BOOM* the other T-90A took a shot through the side hitting the ammo carosel, unfortunately not seeing it off. The driver got lucky and srambled out, Josh walked over to the crawling driver, pulled out his pistol, and shot him in the head. "Well done saving our assess." Josh laughed taking a drink. "Want some." Holding out his flask. "Later, you two, park in front of the HQ!" Daniel pointed. "SIR!" The two tank commanders replied. "Hey, where are the troops at?" Daniel asked looking around. "I don't know, I thought your men found them." Josh replied confused. "How the fuck do we lose that many troops." Daniel laughed. "Let's go check the barracks." Josh said taking one final drink putting his flask away. "I'll guide you." Daniel replied. The two went aisle by aisle of barracks looking inside to see if their in there. Until they found barrack number 13. "I hear noises in this one." Josh pointed to the door. *Door swings open, guns fire* "oh shit!" Josh jumped out of the way. A couple bullets flew out of the door hitting Daniel's tank like BBs. "Whoever is in there, you better stop shooting, I don't know if you haven't already noticed but we have a tank ready to fire at the building, speak now or in five seconds this building won't exist." Josh yelled. "Don't shoot, we're coming out." A soldier yelled. One after another soldiers poured out of the building with their guns Aside. "Who's in charge?" Daniel yelled over the engine. "Roxas, shut her down." *Engine spurrs down* "I am!" A soldier replied. "What's your name?" Daniel asked. "Major burns." Burns spoke up. "Where's your commanding officer?" Josh asked. "He was taken away, once we got attacked, we we're poorly armed, just some m4s and pistols, nothing else, so half the camp got split up, I took charge and seeked refuge in this barrack, I hear screams and some gunshots. Then all the shots and screams stopped, then you guys showed up." Burns shrunk down, feeling like it was his fault. "We were too late." Daniel thought. "Do you know where they went? Did you happen to see someone who looked like a commander or something? We need as much evidence as possible if you want us to save them." Josh whipped out a notepad. "Well I happened to....

To be continued

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