Ticket To Fly

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"wow! look at this station looks so cool!" Xion yells running across the train platform. "Let's go get some actual good food." Daniel laughed as his stomach grumbled the four left new Haven station, the train was on track one so it attracted attention of other people, some people got next to the tanks to take pictures, ask some of the guards where the tanks were going, it wasn't your usual train at new Haven. "Why is there no where good to eat within walking distance!" Sari sighed. "Wells there's a Subway, we could eat there, we also don't have a lot of money to spend, anyone down?" Roxas asked looking at the 15 dollars that everyone was handed. "Sure I'm down." Daniel replied shrugging his shoulders. They walked into the subway as they sat in a pretty long ass line full of tankers. "Well shit.... This will be a while." Daniel sighed. *Bing*

(through text)

(i've been deployed with my team again.) Josh.

(Oh I am too, where you going to.) Daniel.

(Somewhere in Iraq, suppose to take back a captured U.S. base.) Josh.

(Oh cool, I'm going to Iraq too, IDK where I'm gonna be stationed though.) Daniel.

(Aren't you a tanker? I haven't talked to you since we passed basic together.) Josh.

(Ya I am a tanker, I was in Iraq earlier before most of my crew was killed, Liam and I only made it, I lost almost all sight in my left eye and took a bullet to the right lung, still kicking though, what are you doing?) Daniel.

(That sucks, glad your doing fine, I'm now a Delta force staff sergeant.) Josh.

(Wow! Holy shit congratulations, we had a couple of Delta force snipers at out base, IDK what happened to them since me and my team left.) Daniel.

(Well they were part of my team, don't know what they were there for exactly though?) Josh

(Anyways I got to go, if we pass by each other let's have a drink, ok?) Josh

(Sure! I'll drink with you anytime you want.) Daniel.

(Back to normal life)

"Daniel! Your turn, get off the phone." Sari nudged Daniel to order. "Oh ya sorry." Daniel laughed not paying attention to the line. They had no time to eat in the restaurant so they took it to go. "Who were you texting?" Sari asked. "Wha. Oh I was texting Josh." Daniel replied. "Who's Josh?" Sari asked again. "Oh... Just a really good friend of mine, we went through highschool together before the war started and went through basic training together as well. Now he's a staff sergeant of the Delta force, and he was just deployed to Iraq again." Daniel chuckled at Josh's achievement. "Wow! That's an achievement, what else you guys talk about." Sari laughed carrying drinks. "We talked about me being a tank Armored division commander, getting injured, coming back here, and being deployed again." Daniel said while holding the train car door open for the other three. "Oh cool, you planning to meet anywhere once we're there?" Sari asked sitting down. "Well we don't know where we're going in Iraq, but if we're close to each other, he wants to have a drink." Daniel replied unwrapping his sub. "No no! Don't drink or smoke." Sari screamed in her cute way. "Sari, since the first day Josh and I met in highschool, we smoked and drank together, I just don't do it here cause we're on a base, well, were on a base." Daniel looked at sari while biting into his sandwich. "Look sari, I'm too far into drinking and smoking there's no point in trying to stop me, I'm not addicted but, it doesn't mean I won't do it from time to time." Sari just sits there with her arms crossed looking away from Daniel. "Fine! But the moment I see you doing it a lot with him like everyday, I won't let you drink or smoke anymore." Sari grumped. "Ok, ok." Daniel laughed putting his hands up. The rest of their lunch was loud and full of laughing, But another day seemed to go in a second. (5 days or so passed, IDK how many) *Speaker turns on* "we will be arriving at Miami train station in ten minutes, pack your stuff and once we stop get on your tank and follow the lead car, there they will take you to the planes where you will put them in, and then board on other planes." The speaker squeaked. "Well let's get packing." Daniel sighed pulling himself out of his bed. *Train whistle blows* "let's go guys, Xion, you put the stuff on the tank and secure it, Roxas, you help me and Sari undo the chains then start the tank." Daniel commanded. Everyone was doing their hardest to quickly undo the chains on the tanks and get them in line. The tankers would have a window of 20 minutes to get to the airport, during that 20 minutes all the roads will be closed down. After that window they would have to wait 3 days for the plane to come back and for them to block off the streets again. *Truck horn blows* the lead truck signalled the convoy of 100 or so tanks, Armored fighting vehicles, and Humvees to move through the street. *Radio breaks on* "all tanks rollout!" Daniel commanded. They slowly made their way through the streets, people taking photos, and yelling good luck to them. *Radio breaks on* alright guys we made it, get your tanks in the planes, tie them down, and get out and on to the other planes, let's do this quick we don't wanna waste time." Daniel commanded jumping off his tank to tie it down.

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