The Test

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Pre warning: this will be the longest part of the entire series so far, so sit tight, get comfortable, and read on.

It's been a week since the barbeque, and we'll, things for once we're going smoothly. Xion was getting better at being a Gunner, Roxas's driving skill tremendously improved, and Sari's reloading was incredibly fast. An autoloader would take 11 seconds, but Sari could reload in 9 seconds on average. She learned how to manipulate the shell to where it barely weighed anything and didn't require that much effort. The four we're making good practice and today was the special day. This test would tell if the team is ready for combat, even if Daniel was previously trained and knew everything, he has to get use to his new team. "Alright guys, today is test day, this will make or break you, if we fail we're done tanking, if we pass we'll be put on the Frontline in a heartbeat. So, let's do it best." Daniel said pacing in front of the tank crew. "Roger!" The three replied. "Come on let's go quick in the tank let's knock it down to 10 seconds." Daniel signalled the tank crew with a stop watch also joining in himself. They made it in 8.7 seconds. "Great job guys! Just under 9 seconds." Daniel laughed in amazement. "Let's go win this test!" The tank lurched out the front door like a missile (the door was open obviously) the crew made a last lap around the course to see how fast they could get it. They knew that it takes around 3 minutes on a normal speed so they went as fast as they could. *Speaker breaks on* "attention. All tankers report to the proving grounds, I repeat. All tankers to the proving grounds." The speaker spoke. 20 tanks including Daniel's tank lined up at the entrance of the proving grounds. Steel got up on the T-14 ARMATA in front of the other tanks, he grabs a bullhorn "Alright tankers, welcome to the test. This will determine if you and your crew are ready to be shipped to the Frontline with ISIS. You will not be competing against each other, you will be judged by 4 judges with accuracy, agility, and efficient time, pass that and you will be ready to ship to the front lines. Mount up!" Steel yelled. Daniel and his crew we're up front, already being judged they hopped in the tank in 8 seconds again. Next they had to race up a hill while co-axel and free machine gun targets. "Let's go!" Daniel commanded strapping his helmet on. "ROGER!" Roxas yelled the tank left a starting line throwing dirt on the other tankers. Daniel knew the course would be different then when he trained back then. "GUNNER! Get ready to shoot the co-axel machine gun!" Daniel yelled operating the mounted gun on top. "Gunner 3 o'clock multiple targets! Open fire!" Daniel screamed shooting targets on the other side. "About a mile left to the shooting position!" Sari yelled looking at the GPS (GLOBAL POSITIONING SATELLITE) "KEEP MOVING ROXAS!" Daniel yelled. The trail started to turn muddy because the people poured water on it to make it more challenging. "Targets down!" Xion yelled turning the turret back to the 12 o'clock. "Targets left 10 o'clock, 3 enemies." Daniel commanded. "Half a mile!" Sari yelled. "Targets down!" Xion reported. They were almost to the top where the most challenging part came. "Stop the tank!" Daniel yelled. "Well this is a obstacle." Roxas replied puzzled. *Bull horn turns on* "probably by now Daniel's team has reached the most difficult part, getting over a destroyed t-72, this can quickly add on time especially with the mud they just went through. Learn from their moves." Steel pointed to the TV screen. The test would be monitored by a drone flying around keeping an eye on the tank crew. "Get out of the tank Sari, you'll guide us by radio and hand signals." Daniel commanded. "Roger!" Sari replied. She jumped off the tank jumping on the destroyed t-72. "Come forward 10 feet, good, stop there, Roxas traverse right to knock the barrel sideways out of the way." Sari signalled. "Roger!" Roxas replied peeking out of the drivers hatch. The tank was facing sideways stuck to the ground a lot, the barrel was on the right side of the hull facing Daniel's tank. "Alright come forwards, get flat against the tank, good now we're gonna try to go over the middle of the turret and engine deck." Sari cautioned. *Engine revs hard* "we can't get over it, the engine will blow!" Roxas yelled. "Trust me just do it." Daniel replied. *Engine revs harder* the tank makes it on top of the tank. *Tanks slides off the turret almost falling off the cliff* "careful!" Sari screamed. The tank nearly slid off the back off the tank to fall off a cliff (don't worry is a little hill, but it would fail the crew) "slowly! You can make it!" Sari yelled over the radio. The other crews could hear the radio chatter as well. *Tank hits the other side of the tank making it* "we're over the tank! Sari climb back in." Daniel commanded. "Roger on my way!" Sari replied. As soon as sari got on the tank Roxas took off, the had done it many times so they knew what to do. "The shooting area should be right ahead!" Sari yelled. "I see it!" Roxas replied. The tank pulled onto the shooting area (the spot that Daniel and the rest of the crew had a barbeque) high up on the mountain they had to hit targets up to a mile away. "Loader, armor piercing." Daniel yelled looking through his optics. "UP!" Sari screamed. "Take the shot Xion." Daniel said while looking outside the tank. *BOOM* the 140mm smoothbore gun fired it's deadly shell at the first target. *Camera view of the gun breech racking backwards as sari loads another shell* "tank destroyed!" Daniel clapped in excitement. The judges were very impressed. The uphill course usually takes 10-15 minutes but Daniel's crew did it in 7 minutes. "Next target!" Daniel yelled. One after another they shot every target getting it on every shot. *Radio breaks on* "go back down the hill the way you came coming to a stop at the end of the route firing, deploying smoke, and moving backwards back to the large tank trap, further instructions when you get down there." Steel commanded. "Alright! driver let's go!" Daniel yelled clapping his hands. They were on their way down the hill when the tank came into view. "Ummm... The tank again." Roxas said with concern. "Gunner! Turn turret right! Driver hit the gas we're gonna jump over it! Everyone brace!" Daniel commanded. The side of the tank they  were coming down had a lot of dirt piled up on it and the turret just poked out a little."BRACE!!!!" Daniel yelled the tank launched off the dirt scrapping the hull of the tank against the turret of the t-72. The tank started to nose dive "shit were gonna tip over!" Roxas screamed. The tank hit the ground digging some dirt out, the tanks ass came back down shaking everyone around. "We're good!" Daniel yelled looking out of the tank to see if anything happened to the tank. They make their way down in 3 minutes, they get down a low concrete wall and stop. "Loader armor piercing." Daniel yelled. They had to penetrate the lower hull of a t-72. *BOOM* the Canon fired. "DIRECT HIT! ENEMY DOWN!" Daniel clapped his in amazement. *POP POP POP* the smoke screen deployed. "Driver backwards full speed, 20 feet, 10 feet, stop." Daniel said looking through the back of the vehicle. The tank came to a screeching halt, just touching the tank trap. "I got to put the smoke canisters back in." Daniel said grabbing smoke canisters. "Hey guys, we got to go now! Driver forward!" Daniel looked at the sign behind him. As Daniel was putting the canisters back in the tank was gaining speed fast. "2 more left!" Daniel grunted trying to hold on to the tank. "Sir we're gonna brake in 5 seconds grab on to something tight." Roxas yelled. Daniel grabbed onto the mounted machine gun on top as the tank screeched to a halt. *Whistle blows* "TIME!" steel yelled. "Amazing job guys! Outstanding job!" Daniel clapped his hand celebrating. He looked at the judges putting their heads together as Daniel's team got on top of the tank. "Daniel, your team will.......... BE PASSING THE TEST! CONGRATULATIONS ON PASSING THE TEST!" the judges yelled and clapped in excitement. "WE DID IT GUYS!!!! WE MADE IT!!!" Daniel yelled grabbing sari tight as did Xion and Roxas too. "I knew we could do it, without a doubt, and I'm grateful to serve by your guys side, thank you all for your hard work, and dedication." Daniel hugged everyone in happiness.

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