The confession

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*intercom turns on* "ALL PERSONNEL REPORT TO TANK HANGER IN 1 HOUR! I REPEAT! ALL PERSONNEL TO THE TANK HANGER IN 1 HOUR" THE INTERCOM VOICE SPOKE. *INTERCOM SHUTS OFF* "Oh for Christ sake, I'm back to this schedule, five more minutes." Daniel yawned going back to sleep. The sun wasn't even begging to shine yet when they had to wake up. "Sir? It's time to wake up, you'll miss breakfast." Sari asked whispering into the dark apartment. Sari saw Daniel all sprawled out his bed, she got closer to pull the sheets off but stopped herself quickly. "He actually looks really cute when he's asleep like that, I could sit here all day and watch him, but I have to wake him up." Sari whispered to herself, blushing a lot. "Ok, ok, I'm up what do you want." Daniel croaked getting up. "Oh shit!" Sari ran to cover so she wouldn't be seen. "What? The doors open? Must of left it open? Oh well." Daniel shrugged as he was putting on his robe *vase falls off table breaking* "who's there! Come out! I will shoot you!" Daniel yelled grabbing his pistol from his nightstand. "Shit I'm so fucked! He'll be so upset with me, if he doesn't kill me." Sari thought. *Light turns on as Daniel aims down his sights moving to the kitchen* "DONT SHOOT ITS ME! SARI!" Sari yelled right as Daniel's gun barrel came into view. "God damnit sari! What are you doing here?" Daniel asked putting his gun on the kitchen. "You were late to getting breakfast so I thought you were still asleep. I got the key to your room and was gonna wake you up, but I got scared when you woke up and hid. I'm sorry." Sari said looking at the floor. "It's ok, you just scared me that's all." Daniel replied relieved. *Roxas and Xion appear with food on a cart* "we brought you guys some food, we have to go get our food so we'll be back in a minute." Xion giggled seeing Daniel in his robe. "Thanks you guys." Daniel smiled as he grabbed the food and sat down at the table to eat. "Don't stand there, sit down and eat." Daniel pointed to the chair across from him. "Sure, what a lovely view you have." Sari complemented Daniel's apartment. You see the higher rank you are the higher up the building you go. Daniel was on floor 35 room 16, and quite the view it was. Every apartment had it's own kitchen but you had to have breakfast in the mess hall so roll call can be taken. "Hey Daniel, can I ask you a question?" Sari asked playing with her pretty untouched food. "Sure, fine by me." Daniel replied with his mouth full. Blushing like mad she couldn't really find the words, squirming and stuttering every other word. "Well I kind of have a crush on you since we we're kids, and since you've gone through so many girlfriends I never had the guts to ask you out. So I took the chance to ask you out now, will you go out with me?" Sari asked blushing so much like a tomato. Daniel just sat there looking at her, kind with a surprisement face on him. "Sure I'll go out with you, but you cannot cheat on me, or there will be no second chance. Undertstood?" Daniel said with some anger. *Alarm goes off in the building* "what's with the alarm?" Sari yelled. "We're being attacked!" Daniel replied. "But there's no one outside?" Sari looked out the window. She looked back seeing Daniel change into his combat uniform."Not in that direction but other directions, come on grab a gun." Daniel ran over to his armory. It was full of m240bs and m4s. "Here take this." Daniel pushed the equipment towards sari. He grabbed the two m240bs and ran to the window where the enemy. He gave sari two m4s, but she just stood there in confusement. "What are you doing? Grab some magazines, put on a chest plate, let's go!!" Daniel yelled grab ammo cans for the light machine guns.

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