tank training, again?

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"Oh hi Roxas and xion." Sari replied back to Roxas with excitement. Daniel walked towards Roxas and Xion to say hi and, well, it wasn't the hi Daniel was looking for. *Salutes like their lives depended on it* "private Roxas and Xion reporting for duty SIR!" Roxas yelled. "Ugghh.... Stop that, at ease, whatever it is, just stop doing that, it bugs me." Daniel groaned with annoyance. "What's wrong with saluting you sir? You are a superior officer are you not?" Xion asked. "I don't like dragging attention to myself because if people see you salutes me then other people will too, I already deal with it enough already." Daniel replied looking away. "Well we should get to the headquarters for instructions on what our next task is to do.". *Door opens and man yells across the room* "Daniel!!! My man, what's going on?" General steel yelled across the room. " Come, come. Take a seat in my office you four." *Door slams shut, steel sits down in his chair. "Well, you four have all passed your basic training I assume, well since it is a new team Daniel, you will have to go through basic training with them again." Steel said looking at the documents with everyones portfolio on it. "I figured that was coming, fine I'll do it again..." Daniel shrugged. "Sir? I believe that since he already went through training that he doesn't need to go through it again?" Xion asked curious. "Well yes that's true, but. Since he has a new team, and with his new injuries, he would be better off going through it again." Steel replied. "But sir I do..." xion asked halfway through he sentence. "XION! That's enough! I'm glad you want to help me, but training isn't that big of a deal if you just do your best and pay attention." Daniel yelled to stop Xion from starting an argument. "Well that settles it, starting at 0400 hours (4 a.m. I believe, don't quote me on that) you four will start training, lucky for you three, you guys won't get yelled at since your with Daniel, so basically Daniel is your coach that'll yell at you." Steel laughs. *Steel gets up and opens the door. "See ya later steel." Daniel muttered on his way out.

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