More Casualties

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"10 minutes till convoy hits ambush points." Josh radio Daniel. It was probably the biggest enemy convoy they have ever seen. "Get ready, inside your tanks." Daniel commanded. T-72s, T-90As, T-90MS were rolling down the street. *Tank rumbles by* "ALL TANKS! OPEN FIRE!" Daniel shouted. 70 tanks opened fire on the convoy, destroying quite a lot of tanks, the convoy spread out to kill the ambushers. "FUCK! HES ON TOP OF US!" A tank Commander yelled. A T-90 drove off a ledge and landed on a tank. "Hold on! We kill him and pull him off of you!" Daniel yelled. Daniel's tanked ripped up the ground launching out of his spot. "COVERING FIRE!" Daniel commanded. The tanks sped across the street closing on the tank in need. *BOOM* Daniel's tank launched a shell into the tank on top of a friendly. "Driver! Back up to the T-90 and wait for me to tell you to pull forward." Daniel commanded. Daniel jumped out of the tank, jumping across to the other Abrams, hooking cables up to the T-90. "ROXAS! PULL FORWARDS!" Daniel yelled dodging gun fire. *Shell comes by, ping* a shell was shot towards them hitting the stuck Abrams side skirts, exploding the era. "FUCK! PULL FORWARD NOW!" Daniel commanded getting up from the blast. *Tank screeches* Daniel's tank pulled the T-90 off enough for the other Abram to escape. " Thanks, no damage part from the machine guns being destroyed." The tank Commander laughed. Daniel jumped back into his tank and got into a new position. A T-90MS comes flying by shooting a shell into the mantlet of a Abrams setting off the ammo. "Shit, that's a veteran T-90MS, Gunner, prioritize that tank. The T-90MS roars by killing two more tanks, we we're winning the battle with only 60 tanks left and 100 of theirs knocked out. "Gunner quick, kill that tank, he's coming this way!" Daniel commanded. "Hold on I can't see him just yet." Xion yelled back. The tank quickly got closer, Xion took a shot missing the tank. "QUICK! RELOAD!" Daniel yelled getting scared. *BOOM* the T-90MS suddenly blows up launching the turret several feet from Daniel's tank as the hull flipped over. "Thanks for the save whoever that was." Daniel radioed relieved. "Your welcome." Josh replied laughing. Josh was standing by a gun emplacement. A 152mm cannon on top of the wall, launched a heat shell into the back of the T-90MS turret. "Good shot." Josh laughed. Daniel's division was quickly losing more tanks, they were down to 53 tanks left, while they had 45 out of 100 left. "Fall back to the other positions, there the gun emplacements can reach them." Daniel commanded. *Smoke canisters deploy* Daniel along with other tanks deployed the smoke screens so they could retreat. "GO! GO! GO!" Daniel grunted as the tank shook about while he was on the machine gun on top. The whole armored division had turned their back to the enemy keeping their turrets towards the enemy to keep deploying smoke. *BANG BANG BANG BANG* Daniels machine gun went off killing the advancing infantry that was now coming. "Quick! Fire another round!" Josh yelled. *Boom* a line of gun emplacements fired hitting the tanks. "WERE HERE! GET BEHIND THE THE TANK ENBANKMENTS!" Daniel yelled. There was a lot of concrete tank embankments, basically a low concrete wall that comes up high enough to his the hull of the tanks. "Not many tanks left." Josh radioed Daniel. *BOOM* a tank just to the right of Daniel exploded. The turret came off landing right back down on the tank. "CEASE FIRE! ALL TANKS STOP FIRING MAIN GUNS, JUST MACHINE GUNS NOW!" Daniel yelled. *BANG* josh's gun fired one last shot killing the last tank. "You forgot one." Josh laughed. Friendly infantry poured out of the gate along with some AFVs. "MOW THEM DOWN!" Daniel yelled. They were firing so many Mags, even some anti air guns pitched in, quickly killing the infantry, with their numbers reduced almost to none, their entire tank division wiped out, out manned and out gunned. The enemy retreated. "YEAH!!!" The entire base yelled. "Damage report." Steel radioed to Daniel. "Well we had 70 tanks and now we have 27, loss of 43 tanks, 108 tank crew members remain, 172 crew we're injured or killed." Daniel replied. While it was a victory, it came at a cost, losing 172 crew, 43 tanks, leaving the tank division with 157 tanks left. To keep a large number of tanks they have to play it strategiclly. "Good job guys, salvage what you can, get the dead and see if you can repair and friendly or enemy tanks." Steel said.

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