return to base

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*sounds of helicopters in the distance, camera gets closer to them, transferring to Josh's view* "we're just leaving the base, catch up with you soon." Daniel radioed Josh. "Roger, we're ten minutes out....*siren of incoming missile comes on* Shit we got to go." Josh yelled. *Missile whizzes by* "where's that coming from?" Josh yelled looking around the helicopter. An intercept 8 fighter jets quickly closes in, releasing a stream of bullets on a AH-64D helicopter in front of Josh, ducking below the helicopter. *Helicopter explodes, jet flies underneath helicopter. "All heli's aim your canons at the jet, when he gets close shoot him down!" Josh yelled jumping on the mini gun. The jet fires another missile, which misses all the helicopters. All the guns on the helicopter let loose, making a fire show, instantly blowing up the jet. "Hell yeah!" Josh clapped. *Back in Daniel's view* "hey, hey! To our 3 o'clock, helicopters in bound, full stop, ramka-99s open fire on them." Daniel yelled. The entire division stops in no time. "Be ready! Wait for it! FIRE AT WILL!" Daniel yelled. The ramka-99s auto canons fired away, even though they are tank destroyers, they can take aircraft down. "This is one hell of a fleet." Steel looked at the fleet of helicopters. "Don't let them get close, shoot them down now!" Daniel yelled firing his 50. Cal. The helicopters were dropping like flies, but there was just so many. Some of the helicopters got guided missiles off their rack, killing a couple of ramka-99s but quickly getting shot down. One helicopter gets so close that when they shoot it down it lands 100 feet from Daniel. "BRACE!" Daniel yelled ducking in the tank. The helicopter drops to the ground hard, throwing one of it's blades straight at Daniel's tank. It hit the hull then the right turret cheek of the tank. "We're good! I'll check the damage." Daniel yelled. "Do you guys need us to come back?" Josh asked. "No we got it, there's not much left." Steel replied. *Missile comes closer to Daniel's tank* "shit missile 3 o'clock turn the turret." Daniel yelled. Luckily they turn the turret just fast enough where it hit the Canon barrel exploding it off. "WE HAVE NO CANON BARREL!" Daniel yelled to his crew, steel, and Josh. Daniel's tank instantly pulled backwards towards steels tank. Daniel pops out of his hatch wearing steel's beret. *Five minutes later* "cease fire! We're clear." Steel commanded. "I'm seeing a armored convoy coming to your position, there quite a way off, get to base now." A drone pilot commanded. "How many are there? Can you identify what they are?" Steel asked. "At least a hundred tanks maybe more, it's hard to see through the dust." The drone pilot replied. "Alright everyone retreat, Daniel get on the far side facing the enemy, deploy engine smoke and drive like hell. Once we get back to base turn around and attack them, if they follow us." Steel commanded. "Roger!" Daniel replied. The tanks got in a horizontal lines keeping their guns pointed towards the enemy in case they get close. The smoke screen from Daniel's engine went on for 15 minutes before it died off, but it seemed to stop the enemy for now. *Shot whizzes by* "shit! Here they come! Turn around and prepare to ambush!" Daniel yelled. "ready! FIRE!".


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