Goodbye, For Now

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It was early the next morning, Daniel and his crew we're busy getting ready in the tower, packing their personal belongings, their guns, and electronic devices. Steel, Kaeden, Wyatt, and Olivia were making a surprise going away party, it would be quick but they had to make their departure as happy as they could. All the other tankers we're leaving too, under Daniel's command, everyone else that was there would be at the train station where them and their tanks would be put on. Everyone on the base were sad, no one wants to see people leave, but they have too. "They should be here any minute." Steel yelled making last adjustments. Daniel and the 109th Armored division we're ready to roll off the base unaware of what's gonna happen. *Radio breaks on* "109th Armored division, follow me, ROLL OUT!" Daniel commanded leading the way. "Their coming! Get ready!" Steel yelled signalling everyone to get ready. Daniel and the others reached the train station having heavy hearts, it was already bad that they had to leave their families, but to leave their friends. "Everyone find your train car, and follow directions the engineers give you." Daniel commanded setting his tank on the first flat train car. "Shut her off Roxas." Daniel told Roxas jumping off the tank in a sad state. "It'll be ok, I'm sure they'll come say goodbye." Sari put a hand on Daniel's shoulder. "SURPRISE!!!!!" The entire base yelled. "Oh my fucking god!" Daniel cried. Everyone say their goodbye to their friends as they left. "One last goodbye, we brought back up!" Steel yelled. The station flooded with parents and siblings. Everyone was so filled of happiness and tears of joy. "MOM! DAD!" Sari yelled. Roxas and Xions parents came too. "Where's your parents? Are they coming?" Sari asked. Daniel just stood their emotionless, staring at the ground, about to cry. "DANIEL!!!" a voice rang out. "MOM! DAD! ANDREW! AND ECHO!" Daniel perked up running like mad over to his parents, brother, and his dog echo. "Where's Natalie?" Daniel asked. "She couldn't make it here." Daniel's dad said looking down. "That's too bad, tell her I love her please." Daniel hugged everyone around him. "Daniel, we got some presents for you." Steel yelled walking through the crowd of people. Kaeden, Wyatt, Olivia, and steel had something to give Daniel and his team. "I'm first. I want you to have my sniper rifle, for good luck, and defense." Kaeden chuckled handing Daniel his m107 rifle. "Wyatt your next." Kaeden signalled to Wyatt to come over. "I want you to have my dog tags." Wyatt ripped off his dog tags, crying a little. "I'm next, we may not know each other super well, but, I want you to have this painting I made for you all." Olivia cried. It was a very nice painting of Daniel's tank and him poking out of his hatch going full speed. "Thank you so much, I'll be sure to hang this in my tank." Daniel cried tears of joy, grabbing the painting. "Last but not least me." Steel laughed stepping up to the four. "When you aren't wearing your helmet, wear my Beret, to make you remember we're all watching over you, never forget it." Steel took off his Beret losing control and crying a bit. Without hesitation Daniel put on steels Beret. "Thank you all, were so grateful for you coming and giving us these beautiful things, we will all miss you, but I promise everyone will return home safely." Daniel cried. *Train whistle blows* Everyone's parents gave their last hugs and kisses while giving a small gift to them. "This is goodbye for now, I hope to come back with my team to see you all again." Daniel sniffled getting on the train coach. The tankers got on the train all waving out the windows to their parents and friends crying a lot. Friends and parents ran along the train to the end of the deck, crying, waving goodbye, hoping to see them again.

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