No Man Left Behind

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The whole 1st armored division was pulling back from a rescue mission that was successful, and they got some new tanks to defend their base, and to make up for the other knocked out tanks. Daniel and his crew in his XM1A3, steel in his T-14 ARMATA, and josh with his helicopters which was now taken out, but you get the point right. Also they brought one of the armored trucks to drag a salvageable Bradley for josh once it is repaired. "It'll be ok, helps on the way." The medic reassured josh. *bullet whizzes by* a sniper shoots the medic straight in the head, the lifeless body of the medic collapses on top of josh's chest. *sounds of tanks in the distance* josh pushed the body off of him, sitting up to see what was coming, whether if it was friend lay or not. But it was friendly, Daniel and steel leading the convoy of tanks, AFVS, tank destroyers, and armored trucks. "Driver, full stop." Daniel commanded. "Looks like someone had a bad fight huh?" Josh laughed grabbing his throbbing leg. "Ha, I could say the same thing about you, by the way, is your crew in the helicopter ok, or are you the only survivor?" Daniel asked. "I'm the only survivor..." josh replies looking down. *another bullet whizzes by* another sniper bullet comes straight for Daniel but the bullet drop makes the bullet hit the back of the turret instead of Daniel. "Woah! Shit, who was that?" Daniel asked ducking back into the tank. "Driver, shield josh from the bullets." Daniel commanded. "Roger!" Ross's replied. Daniel manned the 50. Cal machine gun, aiming at the house wondering if that was where the sniper was. *BOOM BOOM BOOM* Daniel lit up the house with bullets. "Get on the truck josh!" Daniel yelled. "I'm trying, I have a leg and a half you know." Josh struggled. "Driver! Follow that truck!" Daniel commanded. Driving across the desert full speed is the 1st armored division with helicopters leading the way, who would have ever thought that they would retreat back to base instead of fighting. Well there's a lot of injured soldiers and civilians, their running low on ammo for the abrams, even though the T-90 and ramka-99. *ten minutes from base* "Steel to base, be ready to open fire once we get inside." Steel yelled. "Roger, standing by." Radio operator replied. They make it to the base, drop off the injured troops and civilians. "We've got about an hour before they make it into firing range." Steel radioed down to Daniel. "Roger! We're working as fast as we can." Daniel replied.

6:25 p.m.

"HERE THEY COME! I SEE ABOUT 200 TANKS, MAYBE MORE, AND ATLEAST 100 HELICOPTERS!" Steel yelled from on top of the base walls. "ROGER! ALL UNITS! OPEN FIRE!!!" Daniel commanded to his division. The endless stream of bullets whizzing by each other, the smell of burnt gun powder, engine smoke, and the desert wind. It felt like, like a dream to Daniel. "DANIEL! I NEED ANOTHER TARGET! QUIT DAY DREAMING!!!" Xion yelled grabbing Daniels leg hard. "Right ya sorry." Daniel replied snapping back to reality. *sound of distant and close firing of bullets going by* "Driver! Reverse quickly I'll tell you when to stop! Xion get ready to fire at the target ahead when I say so." Daniel commanded popping out his commander hatch. "ROGER!" Both Xion and Roxas replied. The tank screeched as the turbos spooled up, launching the tank backwards towards a hill. "HOLD ON!" Daniel yelled. They backed up the hill "Take the shot!" Daniel yelled. *BOOM* as they created the hill Xion put a shell into an enemy T-90s turret barely making it in. "Driver! Forward again, get to the other side of the road." Daniel commanded. "There's no cover to drive across, we're gonna get shot!" Roxas replied. "Just do it!" Daniel yelled. They crest the hill again jumping up a little as they hit tarmac. "Turn turret 3 o'clock put a shell in that bastard." Daniel yelled ducking incoming bullets. Halfway through the road the 140mm canon let's loose punching a hole into the sides of a T-72 and a T-90. One explodes the other doesn't. "What the fuck is Daniel doing? He's out of cover too much." steel thought looking through his binoculars as gun emplacements fired all around him. "INCOMING!" Daniel yelled. The tank rocks side by side then takes a right turn hard"GUNNER 10 OCLOCK! LOADER ARMOR PIERCING!" Daniel yelled. An enemy tank had shot Daniels right track and engine out, going a such a high speed made his tank do a 180 degree turn exposing the entire left side of the tank. *BOOM* "ENEMY DOWN!" Xion yelled. "Shit! Out of the tank! NOW!!!!!!" Daniel yelled. Daniel saw a enemy tank speeding towards them. Sari jumped out with her m4 and a fire extinguisher, making it a far distance away. "XION GET OUT FIRST! QUICKLY!" Daniel yelled throwing Xion towards the commanders hatch. Xion was out second. "I can't get out! The turret is blocking the way!" Roxas cried frantically opening the hatch. Daniel turns the turret just enough to get roxas's hatch open. "GET OUT!" Daniel yelled. *BOOM* the enemy T-90 had stopped and shot the turret ring of the tank, clipping Roxas and his left arm, this threw him against the tank taking almost all of his left arm with him. *sound of ammunition setting off* all of a sudden it felt like the world had slowed down, the tank starting to be engulfed in its own flames, and Daniel and Roxas are still in the tank. "OH GOD!" Sari yelled, running towards the burning tank. "WAIT!" Xion yelled grabbing saris arm. "OH SHIT! OH FUCK!" Steel screamed. "What's wrong?" A sniper asked. "DANIELS TANK IS ON FIRE!!! I ONLY SEE 2 OF HIS CREW!" Steel screamed more. The tank violently starts erupting in flames, a figure pops out of the fire, Blackened from the fire. As soon as the figure pops out sari knows it's Daniel and starts sprinting to the tank. Daniel starts screaming as he falls on top of the turret rolling off it, falling to the ground rolling around in the fire trying to put himself out. "FUCK!" Daniel screams pulling out a pistol putting it to his head. Sari  makes it just in time to kick the pistol out of his launching it to the tank. She quickly puts out the fire with an extinguisher dropping it to the ground picking Daniel up. "Your hurt bad! Your burned everywhere and you got shrapnel everywhere." Dark yelled. "Get... Roxas... first." Daniel coughed blood still screaming from the pain. Sari runs towards the front of the tank pulling Roxas out. His arm dangling by the thread as he was lucky not to be set on fire. "The tanks coming back!" Xion yelled. The tank saw dark pulling Roxas and drove back to finish them off. "Load HE, kill their commander, and make sure their dead." Enemy tank commander yelled. "GET DOWN!" Xion yelled. *BOOM* the shell launches itself towards the crew of four, knocking sari and Xion against the tank while getting shrapnel everywhere. *panoramic camera moving into the sky backwards as the camera focuses on the knocked out four*

To be continued

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