Chapter Seventeen

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A day out with my boys is exactly what I needed. They were still in bed when I got home that morning, but as soon as I told him we were going to the lake with Edward and Lucy, they were up and ready to go. They even rushed me as I tried to get ready because they will never miss a chance at going to the lake.

I asked Rita to come with us which she polietly declined, saying she needed the day for herself and she does. She deserves a day to herself after everything she has done for me and my boys. The woman is a saint.

The lake is fairly packed for a Sunday morning. Edward finds the perfect spot; a bench underneath the shadow of a tree. We settle our things on the table and the kids go test out the water. I try my best to keep myself from staring at his toned chest. I'm not the only one as other woman around us practically drool at the sight of him the moment he took his shirt off, some jaws even hit the sand. Edward notices my failed attempt to bite back a scowl and smirks in my direction.

"Everything okay, Bella?"

I shrug, pretending I don't care. "You sure know how to draw attention."

"Really?" He looks around as if he hasn't noticed the attention and shrugs.

I roll my eyes. "You know, it's really rude to dazzle these poor women and not acknowledge them."

"Dazzle them? I dazzle these women?" He asked with a smirk. I nod, trying my best to act as if I don't care when deep down I want to grab him and kiss him so they know he is taken. "Do I dazzle you?"

I bite the inside of my lip trying to hide my smile. "You have no idea."

"Mom, come on!" Jaime runs back to us with his shirt already off. "I want to swim!"

I look at the lake. Noah is already knee deep in the water and Lucy is picking up rocks from the sand.

"You guys go ahead, I'll be right there," I tell him.

"I'm right behind you," Edward said.

Jaime drops his shirt on the table and runs back to the lake. I take his shirt and begin folding it when I feel Edward lean over me and whispers in my ear, "You're not far off when every man here can't keep their eyes to themselves." And to my shock, kisses me on the cheek.

I watch him walk away, mouth agape and he winks before running to the boys. Lucy, who now has a new collection of rocks, comes back to the table to set them aside.

This is the first time I've seen her since we found out the truth about her paternity and seeing her made my heart ache, but it had nothing to do with Emmett or the baby I lost. I ached for her. Seeing her, I saw the resemblance to Emmett, to my boys and they have no idea that this little girl is their half sister. How could Emmett do it? To know he has another child and barely see her, be okay just being a stranger to her? How could Rosalie let Edward fall in love with her and adore her, raise her as his own when she secretly took her to see her real father?

"Bella, could you braid my hair, please?"

I snap out of my thoughts and look at her. I smile and take a seat on the table, letting her sit on my lap as I begin to brush her hair and braid it.

I would have loved to have a little girl of my own. When I was pregnant the third time, I often wished it was a girl, just someone who I could be girly with, have tea parties with, braid her hair... when I finish braiding her hair, I wrap my around around her little form and hug her tightly, raining her with kisses which makes her laugh.

"You are so beautiful," I tell her.

Lucy giggles and takes Edward's phone from the table. "Picture! Picture!"

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