Chapter Fifteen

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I drop on my desk chair, exhausted after today's events. The rainy weather isn't helping either with my headache. Tanya instantly looks up from her computer and arcs a brow at me.

"I take it didn't go as well as you'd hoped?"

I shake my head, leaning back on my chair. "Nope. Neither Edward or Bella could identify anything out of the usual, just some of their belongings."

"Isabella? I thought you were only taking Mr. Cullen to the cottage."

"That was the idea, but when Mr. Cullen pulled up, she was in the car with him."

Tanya tilts her head to the side. "It's odd, isn't it? Why would they be together?"

"If you think that odd, wait until you hear the rest."

I tell her everything that went down at the cottage, down to the point where Mr. Cullen cried at his wife's grave and Isabella Swan comforting him. There's an obvious change in their dynamic, in the way they act around each other, it screams more than just friends. It screams to me there is more to Edward Cullen than what he's letting on. Something about his behavior seems off and the fact that they arrived together, that Mr. Cullen must have told her about our meeting in the cabin tells me they are closer than I had suspected.

Tanya doesn't seem too shocked by what I saw today. She leans back on her chair and says, "Well, what I'm about to tell you might not help with your shit mood."

I sigh. "Now what?"

"Detective Uley is in the office with the Captain right now."

"Major Crimes?"

"The one and only."

"For fuck sake."

He's here sooner than I expected.

I stand from my desk immediately and walk to my father's office. Paul gives me a subtle nod as I walk by his desk. My father and Detective Uley are deep in conversation when I walk in, but the moment my father sees me, he stands and welcomes me.

"Jacob, so glad you're back. Detective Uley, this is my son, Detective Jacob Black. Jacob, this is Detective Sam Uley from Major Crimes."

Detective Uley stands from his chair and offers me his hand. He has a firm grip. We're about the same height and if it weren't cliche enough, he too is wearing a leather jacket. Only his is brown instead of black like mine.

"Pleasure to meet you," I say.

"Likewise. I was just speaking to the Captain about my plan to go public with the Swan-Hale case."

"Go public? As in the press?" Why the fuck would we do that? "Is that wise? We don't have the third person, only suspects, all with alibis."

"With all your respect, Black, but it has been two months since the murder and you aren't any closer to finding a third person. Going public with this case means tips, people that might have seen Rosalie and Emmett with someone the night of the accident, people who have cameras with footage they can turn in-"

"It also means altering the suspect that we are onto him. There's children involved with this case, we go public and we risk the media going after the Swan and Cullen children. Children that have no idea what's going on."

"It's going to be a risk we have to take."

Before I could say anything else, my phone rings.

"Excuse me." I walk out of my father's office and answer the phone. "What happened, Felix?"

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