Chapter Thirty-Two

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I've never been afraid of Garrett. In fact, Garrett has been the only person who could make me feel safe. I wasn't worried when he lost his job because I knew he'd find a solution. I knew he wouldn't let his little girl starve and I didn't care what the repercussions of black mailing his half sister would bring, I just wanted the best for us.

But now, after all the assumptions and theories, I wonder if I even knew the man I was in love with. I can hardly imagine how that woman must feel. The poor wife who thought she had the perfect marriage up until her husband's mistress is murdered. In the only way I can relate to her is the ongoing to fear if you've been sleeping next to a killer all along.

"Kate, how are you doing?" I hear Detective Black's voice over the earpiece.

"I could be better," I admit as my eyes scan the busy food court. "There's still no sign of him." 

"It's okay, give him some time. Just tells us when you see him." 

"And then I have to take him to a private area," I remind myself out loud, completely hating the idea. 

"Although he requested to see you here, we can't risk people recognizing him and getting the word out that he is in town," Detective Black explained. "But you have nothing to worry about, Kate. We will be with you the entire time and you have a tracker in your purse, whenever you need us we'll be there." 

I sigh, playing with the edge of my Starbucks coffee cup. "I hate being afraid of him." 

"Do you think there is a reason to be afraid of him?" 

"Not entirely. Most of these fears are fueled on whether or not he is a murderer. He is an attempted one and that doesn't make it any better." 

"Which is why agreeing to see is so crucial," Detected Black said. "If you can get him to speak, you and I can finally have some answers." 

That is the only reason why I agreed to see him. I need answers. The last time I saw him, he promised to come back and we would have a better life, but he ended up becoming a criminal, suspected on the murder of his sister. I've spent these last four months dwelling on the subject, watching the coverage over the news, raising my daughter on my own and wondering where the hell he is. So it came to a big shock when he finally called a week ago and begged me with a sheepish voice to see me. I knew the cops were looking for him, so after long deliberation I picked up the phone and called Detective Black. 

I knew I had to do something to put a stop to this madness. 

Soon after I called Detective Black, we met up and set up a plan to get to Garrett and possibly get a confession from him, and who better to get that than me? Garrett insisted on meeting at the Galleria Mall, but I have to take him to a private area where I can get the recording. 

The chair across from me is pulled back and I look up to find Garrett. He's wearing the Seattle Seahawks cap I gave him for his birthday, a dark pair of sunglasses and a grey oversized hoodie. A small smile spreads across his face and lets out a nervous chuckle. 

"Kate, thank you so much for coming," he said in a shaky voice. 

I swallow, hard. 

"It's okay, Kate. Don't do anything that might tip him off," Detective Black said in my earpiece. 

"I... I guess I needed to see you were alive for myself." 

Garrett nods. "And where's Emily? I was hoping to see her." 

"She's with Lydia... I thought it was better if I came by myself." 

Garrett sighs and rubs his eyes under his glasses. He leans his elbows on the table and says, "Kate, I know what you must think, but I promise I can explain." 

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