Chapter Thirty-Four

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I still look at you with eyes that want you,
When you move, you make my oceans move too
If I hear my name I will run your way

Can we say that we love each other?
Can we play like there ain't no other?
If I hear my name I will run your way

It's my desire that you feed,
You know just what I need
You got power, power
You got power over me

I give my all now, can't you see?
Why won't you set me free?
You got power, power
You got power over me


If anyone in high school would have asked me where I'd be twelve years from then, the last thing I would've said was a single father who is a master playing patty cake. And not to brag, but I can do a mean imitation of a Barbie voice. But I wouldn't change it for the world. Lucy is what has made me me.

Bella is right. I have to do whatever I can to keep Lucy with me.

"Daddy, can I ask you something?" Lucy asks as we fix her three story doll house.

"What is it, baby?"

"Do you miss my mommy?"

Her question catches me off guard. Since her passing, Lucy has barely mentioned Rosalie, let alone asked about her. She did know Rosalie was gone, but it didn't seem to affect her in the way I thought it would. It's almost as if Rosalie was never part of her life.

"Why would you ask that?" I try to keep my tone nonchalant as I can while I mess with the tiny dinning table.

"I saw Mommy in my dreams."

"You what?"

Lucy continues playing, completely unaware of the meaning of her words.

"I dreamt I was here with Mommy. She was helping me with my doll house and she had this white dress on. She told me she loved me and she misses me." Lucy sits back against her heels and looks at me. "She also said she was sorry and she didn't mean to leave."

I swallow the tight knot in my throat. "She said she didn't mean to leave?"

Lucy nods. "I think Mommy didn't want to go to heaven."

No, Lucy. That's exactly where she didn't want to go.

"Do you miss her, Lucy?"

Lucy shrugs as she plays with the blonde hair of her doll.

"Lu," I insist.

The look she gives me when she looks up breaks my heart. Her eyes are glossy with tears. I instantly pull her on my lap and press her against my chest. She wraps her little arms around me as I rock her back and forth on my lap.

"I love you, Lu."

"I love you, too, Daddy."

I look down at her in my arms and wiped away her tears with thumb, and before letting her go, I give her a big kiss on her forehead and squeeze her tightly.

We spend some more time playing with her doll house when my phone goes off. It's a number I don't recognize, so I reject the call at first, but when the same phone number calls again right away, I answer the call.


"Edward! Edward, you need to come now!" A woman cried hysterically on the other side of the line. "You-you need to come!"

"Hold on a second, who is this?" I sit up. "Come where?"

"It's Rita," she sobbed. "I have the boys with me right now, but you need to come now. They're going to take her to the hospital!"

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