Chapter Ten

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It's been a long time since a kiss has ignited that much desire in me.

Everything, even the way he gripped my hips and pinned me against the counter made my body shiver. His lips, soft and inviting, his intoxicating smell and the way he groaned as his hips pressed into mine. He pulls away, but his lips never leave my skin. They travel down my jaw to my neck, pushing the strap of my dress out of his way. I reach back, throwing everything off the counter and into the sink, and with his help, push me on the counter and wrap my legs around his waist.

I'm tugging at his shirt when we hear the back door slide open.

"Fuck!" We hiss.

Edward pulls himself away from me, keeping his back turned to the doorway to hide his prominent erection as I hop off the counter and try to fix myself up. As fixed up as I can be with my skin literally on fire and my heart pumping at a thousand miles per hour, I plant a casual smile on my face and pretend as if nothing happened.

Lucy comes running in the kitchen.

"Daddy, when is dinner going to be ready?" She asks.

I kneel to her height, keeping Edward out of her line of vision and say, "Uh, I think we're going to order pasta tonight, honey. Why don't you go back outside and play with the boys and I'll call you guys in when it gets here?"

Lucy jumps, hugging EmmyBear tightly against her chest. "Yay! I love pasta! I'm gonna go tell Noah and Jaime!" And she's off, running around the corner to the living room and back outside.

When I get up, I see Edward leaning back against the counter with both hands gripping it at either side of him. We stand there, quietly looking at each other as the recent events dawn on us. It was very stupid what just happened. Stupid and careless, how could I let myself get that carried away? Not to mention if the kids would have seen us and it'll probably confuse them even more.

"Bella, I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologize."

"It was careless and selfish," he said.

I'm glad we're on the same page.

"It was..."

But I could still feel his lips on mine. My skin still burned where his lips had touched me and the butterflies in my stomach told me I wanted more. Not to forget the pressure between my legs. I wanted so much more. There is no way I could get this one taste of Edward and not have him again. Maybe... maybe it is okay to be a little selfish...

I take a cautious step toward him, studying his reaction. He looked conflicted like he was fighting the same battle as I was. Like he didn't know if he truly meant to be that selfish...

"Perhaps next time we'll have to be a little more careful."

His eyes widen at my statement. With one hand, I grip the collar of his shirt and with the other, I cup the side of his face and pull him toward me. This time I kiss him slowly, more gentle, truly taking my time with the kiss. I can taste the mint, enjoy the softness of his lips, and even dare to give his bottom lip a little tug between my teeth. Edward groans when I do and his hands grip me tighter against him. I pull away, only enough to look at him in the eyes. His eyes bore into mine. Green to brown, with a look that could melt me on the spot.

He wants me.

Probably as much as I want him...

"I think... I think I'll go order the food now."

Edward lets out a shaky breath and swallows. "Yes... I think that's a good idea."

I finally manage to tear myself away from his grasp and go in search of my purse as he cleans the mess we made.

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