Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Angela sets the books down on the desk with a sigh of relief after our last period of the day is released. My first working at the high school is officially over and I couldn't be any happier. I was afraid Angela Weber and I would not get along at first because I do have difficulty making friends, but as soon as we started talking about children, we got along easily. Especially when it came to advice, she was pregnant with her first child. 

"You are a life saver," she said as she began to gather her things. "I was getting worried they'd hire someone last minute before the new school year began." 

I chuckle as I follow out of the classroom. "Honestly, I was a little scared I was too late looking for a job this late in the year." 

"Trust me, if there's one thing we are always short of, it's teachers." 

There are still students roaming around the halls of the school as we made our way to the break room. There we are met with several other teaches, including Ms. Lauren Mallory and Mrs. Irina Withlock. 

"Mrs. Swan, how was your first week of school?" Ms. Mallory asked excitedly. "I've heard you've been really popular with the students." 

I roll my eyes. High school boys are the worst and I dread the moment my boys become them. 

"It's been fun, actually. Angela is a great teacher." 

"That's because she is a fast learner," Angela adds as she gets a bottle of water from the vending machine. "I'm still not over how happy Principal Lenard was when he came to tell me she was coming onboard. He nearly peed himself." 

"I think this calls for a night out for drinks!" Mrs. Withlock says, her eyes widening with excitement. "Oh, it will be so fun!" 

"Yes, definetely!" Ms. Mallory chipped in. "We can celebrate Bella's successful first week!" 

"I'm in, but I'm afraid I can't do much drinking," Angela said. "Bella will have to drink in my honor." 

"Oh, I don't know." The idea is very appealing, but I haven't gone out in a very long time. The world out there is very intimidating. "I got the boys-"

"Your husband can look after the boys for one night. Come on, Bella!" Angela insisted, slightly jumping in her spot. "It will be fun." 

"You must come," Lauren agreed. 

My phone chimes at that moment. I take it out without thinking and look at the message, not expecting to see Edward's name flashing on my screen. My blood suddenly goes cold. He hasn't called me in weeks, what does he want now? 

"Bella? What do you say?" Tia asked. 

"I... uh, yes, okay," I say, distractedly. I try my best to be unaffected and place a fake smile on my face, even when my heart has just shrunk in my chest. "T-text me the details-" my phone rings again "and-and I'll be there." 

They all cheer and their excited chatter becomes an echo in the back of my mind as I stare at Edward's name flashing on my screen. I say my quick goodbyes with a promise to be there for drinks whenever they decide to go and rush out of the break room before I miss the call. 

"Edward?" I answer once I'm alone in the hall. 

There's a long silence on the other end of the line, and for a second I fear I was too late to answer. He answers before I have a chance to check if he's still on the line. 

"I wasn't expecting you to answer," he said quietly. 

My breathings haults at the sound of his voice. 

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