Chapter Six

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After Edward was taken, the memorial cleared out quickly, leaving me with his family. It was as if no one wanted part of being caught in a possible murder's house. The caramel haired woman, Esme, was his mother and she cried on the couch as his father, Dr. Carlisle Cullen, left as soon as Edward was taken to get his lawyer and get him all the help he could. The pixie-haired woman was Alice and her husband was Jasper Hale, Rosalie's brother. Everyone gathered in the living room as the children, including Alice's son Robbie, played outside on the trampoline.

"This is insane, Edward would never hurt Rosalie!" Esme cried. "He wouldn't do it, I know."

"People snap eventually," Alice said, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. "You've got to admit, Rosalie was uptight and let's not forget the fact that not only did she not give a shit about my brother, the bitch was also planning on abandoning her daughter."

"Alice," Jasper snapped. "That's still my sister you're talking about."

"I know, Jasper, but you knew how much it bothered Edward that no matter what he did, it was never good enough for her. She was cheating on him, for god sakes!" That's when Alice looks at me. Her eyes darkened, almost accusing me of something. "It is odd that you would show up at her memorial."

The family then turns to me. I can feel the heat rising in my body.

"I've spoken with Edward several times," I say with a sigh. "No matter what my husband and his wife have done... he and I are practically the same..." or at least I hope we are.

Esme gives me a sad smile. "I cannot imagine how all of this must be for you."

I couldn't answer, my head was still swirling with the recent events. I needed to leave. What if I was standing in the living room of not only my husband's mistress but also the man that killed her and tried to kill Emmett? This was too much to handle and I needed out now.

"I... I need to go. Boys!" I called out to them. "Lets go home!"

Esme gets up, writing something on a piece of paper. "Here, call me if you hear anything from the detectives, please."

I take the paper from her nervously. "I'll do what I can. I'll call as soon as I know anything."

The boys were reluctant to leave, but after a stern look from me, we were in the car and on our way home. I couldn't get out of my head the possibility of Edward being a murderer. He didn't seem like the type of man who would harm his wife, but I barely know him. What if the whole devoted husband part was just a facade? Just lies after lies.

It was his gun.

They found his gun.

* * *

The next day when I get home from dropping the boys off at school, I find Detective Denali waiting for me outside. My heart instantly stopped as the worst case scenarios ran through my head.

He did it. He tried to kill Emmett.

"What happened?" I asked breathlessly.

"I need you to come with me to the precinct."

"But what happened with Edward?"

"Come with me to the precinct. We'll talk there."

I gave him and got in the car with her. As soon as I walk in the precinct, I'm taken into an interrogation room where I'm left alone for almost twenty minutes before Detective Black and Denali come in. The entire time I'm biting my nails as I try to think how he did it. Did he find out before they tried to run away? Did he follow her after their fight and then discover she was cheating, and in a fit of rage killed her and injured Emmett?

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