Chapter Thirty

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Warning! Mature Themes Ahead! 


It's been a long time since I've last dressed up. I had half a mind of changing out of my black dress, take my makeup off and put something normal on. A small part of me felt ridiculous, but yet another felt a little confident. My hair was waved down my shoulders, my makeup was light with red lipstick and my dress really showed off my assets. Although the heels may be what kills me tonight.

My phone chimes with a notification. When I open it, it's a message from Edward.

Please be safe tonight.

I sigh and sit on the edge of the bed. After our talk last week, things have been kind of... weird. We're both cautious around each other, almost like we don't know how to act around one another. We haven't spent much time together, with my new job, his and the kids, and most importantly Emmett, there simply wasn't time for us to find a way to break the ice. Emmett cannot know I've decided to give Edward a second chance. I know for a fact that it will not end well.

I shoot Edward a text back, promising him I will be fine and head downstairs where Emmett is watching The Lion King with the boys. Emmett turns at the same time I make it to the living room and his eyes widen at the same time his jaw drops slightly.

"Alright, boys, I am out for the night," I say as I get my purse from the coffee table.

Rita comes out of the kitchen and cat calls me playfully. "Someone is looking radiant tonight."

"You look pretty, Mom," Noah said.

"Gorgeous," Emmett added.

The heat in my cheeks rises and I try to hide it behind my hair as I look down. "Well, thank you, everyone. Now, boys, I want you to listen to your father and don't go to bed too late. I'll give you guys a kiss goodnight when I come back, okay?"

"Okay," they answer at the same time, but their attention was solely on the Hakuna Matata number on TV.

Emmett is still looking at me, almost mesmerized.

"Goodnight," I say awkwardly.

"I'll walk you out."

He doesn't give me much time to answer. He's soon on his feet and walking me to the car. Fortunately, it's a cool spring night in Seattle, not too bad of a weather. We make it to my car and I open the door, leaving it as a barrier between us.

"I won't be long," I assure him. "I haven't done this... well, ever. I feel bad for leaving them."

Emmett chuckles. "You're a good mother, Bella, and you deserve a night off. Go have some fun with your friends, I'll watch over the boys."

I give him a small smile. "Okay."

However, he takes my hand before I can make a step inside the car. I look at him, startled at his sudden touch. Just like with Edward, Emmett and I have been cautious around each other. I can't remember the last time I touched him... or that he touched me. He tugs my hand toward him. I'm suddenly facing him and next thing I know, his other hand cups the back of my neck and his lips are against mine.

I let out a startled gasp. My entire body tensed against him and my lips barely respond to his. There is not flutter in the pit of my stomach, no spark, not rapid heart beat, not in the way he used to cause me. I stand there, completely still, my hands pressed against his chest and ready to push him away whenever my body decides to listen to my brain.

He gives me one last peck before he pulls away, twisting a stand of my hair around his finger and says, "I couldn't go another day without kissing you."

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