Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Mom, there is a mailman at the door and he said he needs your signature!" I hear Jaime shout from the front door.

A mailman?

Noah also gives me a questioning look and I shrug. I thought the arrangments to change my address were done. I stand up, holding on to the edge of the bed and leave Noah to finish packing his book as I walk to the front door. Jaime is standing by the door with a box that looks to be pretty heavy.

"Isabella Dwyer?" the mailman asked.


"I just need your signature and you're good to go." He hands me his pad and I sign it, and before I can say anything else, he turns and walks down the stairs.

I snort, shutting the door and turn to Jaime. "Give me the box."

"Nope, it's heavy and Edward said you can't carry heavy stuff."

I roll my eyes. "Since when do you listen to what Edward says?"

Don't get me wrong, they get along great. I know Jaime has a soft spot for Edward and holds him at a very high regard, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have his little pre-teen tantrums here and there.

I was actually expecting that when I told the boys I was pregnant. Edward and I decided it was best if we each told our kids seperately so they'd be more comfortable asking questions they might want to ask in front of the other. At first, they were stunned and a good minute went by before anyone said anything.

"Does this mean you're gonna marry Edward?" Jaime asked, his tone of voice neutral.

"Not exactly. Edward and I still have some things to figure out, but it's more likely we might move in together. But if you boys are not comfortable with that, you can tell me. I don't want to force you to do something that you don't want to. I know these last couple of years have been difficult."

Jaime shrugs. "I don't mind, Ma. Edward is a good guy."

"Yeah, I like him, too," Noah said.

"And we already see him every day. It won't make that much of a difference," Jaime added.

I smile. "Well, as long as you guys are okay with it."

"Does this mean I'm finally going to get my own room?" Jaime asked excitedly.

"Oh, I want one, too!" Noah chipped in.

"We'll see, okay?" I laugh. "One step at a time, boys. One step at a time."

That was three months ago and in that time, Edward and I have been able to find a new home in a nice neighborhood not too far from the kids' school and Edward's garage. Noah and Lucy will have to share a room, but they didn't seem to mind. They often act like they're twins even when they are two years apart.

Today we are finishing up packing at our apartment before our big move tomorrow and the boys are excited.

"Mom, I think it's from grandma." Jaime's voice snaps me out of the memory and I look back at him, standing by the dinning table and looking at the lable on the box.

"Grandma?" I walk to the table and turn the box toward me to read the lable.

It has a return address to Jacksonvile. It has to be from my mother. We haven't spoken much in the last few years. She calls from time to time to talk to the boys, she called on their birthday, on holidays and even mine. Only that day I chose not to answer the phone. She's been trying to make amends the words she said last time she was here. The ones where she described me as the source of her stress and Emmett's.

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