Chapter Eleven

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Knowing Heartbreak
Chapter Eleven

7 Days after journal entry

Days are uneventful. Not much happens in this town, which is is good, I don't like drama, even though I clearly am melodramatic to the bone because I have waisted my four years of high school breaking hearts, because my father cheated on my mother. Way to fucking go, Sniper.

Since the make out session with enticing blue eyes I haven't been as restless as usual. I've been sleeping well enough, well I've been sleeping more than 3 hours at night. Don't mind the countless minutes spent talking on the phone to my friends after I get home.
Jane and I talked the most, but the others still called. It leaves me speechless how easy the conversation flows between us all. Ironic, ain't it? It's just that I make friends in the other places I've lived, but never have I gotten so close as to know that they have a birthmark on their butt cheek. AKA, James and Maggie. Apparently, their parents have been friends since forever, and as babies they use to take baths together, Maggie had it since birth, but James' birthmark started to become noticeable as a toddler, and now as a teenager, it rode up to his lower back. Anyways, James claims that Maggie was at fault for the mark, saying that that's what happens when two babies take baths together, your birthmarks stick to the other person. Yup. Don't know where he got that theory from. I obviously bursted out laughing. The next day I asked James to show me, and it looks like somebody drew a crescent moon on his lower back, small though. Then I asked Maggie if that was the one she had and she told me she had the exact same one, on her left butt cheek, which made me burst out laughing, making the whole cafeteria stare at me.
"So, who are you asking?" Jane asks, when she's comfortable in her seat. I was working, but Lolly said it was alright for Jane to be here, as long as she didn't metal with the customers.

"Asking who what?" I ask back, completely and utterly confused.

"You seriously haven't seen the fliers all around the school?" She exclaims with wide eyes, and I shake my head no. "It's girls' choice!" She screams at me.

"It's girls' choice what?" I ask, still confused. I'm dumb, numb, and glum right now.

"The dance! So who are you asking?" She interrogates.

I shrug one shoulder.

"Why so glum, buttercup?" She inquires.

I take a really deep breath through my noise, almost hesitantly letting it through my mouth. "What do you mean?" I ask, trying to shrug it off.

"You're here, you're answering my questions, but you're lost and distant." She tells me, staring at me, but I wouldn't look into her eyes, and focused on the english lit book in front of me.

"I don't know, I just- I just..." I didn't finish though.

"You just what?"

"Have you ever felt like you're just waiting for nothing, just wasting away?" I inquired, finally lifting my eyes to hers

"Yeah, that's what I felt sophomore year." She answers.

The bell above the door chimed, indicating clients, I sighed loudly, heavily, before plastering a fake smile on my face and greeting them.
Hey, stranger, wanna meet up?

No, I don't

Don't be like that, why not?

Because, I'm not your plaything. My lips shouldn't be tinted by yours.

Inside I was screaming. Yes, I wanted to meet up, yes I wanted his lips on mine, but my plan must continue. I have to have him begging for more, leave him cold.

You weren't saying that last week ;)

No, but I'm saying it now

What crawled up your ass this morning?

C'mon, Logan, you can pick any girl on the cheerleading team, why keep insisting?

And that was when I turned off my phone, I wasn't going to be seduced into his trap, I already felt like his rag doll once.
"Psssst!" Someone hissed, while I was trying to pay attention to the teacher.

I looked to the side, only to be met with those enticing blue eyes. "What?" I hissed back, but he only passed me a note. I opened it.

It's girl's choice, can you choose me?

There in the messy handwriting of Logan Rogers was a question that left my face beet red, my heart thumping fast, my lips stretched in a smile. Dammit!

Well, I can, but what makes you think I want to choose you? Plus, I'm sure a few other girls asked you.

I answered him and passed the note back to him, in a flash, he had returned it to me.

You keep mentioning other girls, but I want your lips only. Plus, I'm sure you enjoy my lips as much as I enjoy yours.

I'm pretty sure I was brighter than a tomato, by the color of my blush. My smile had tripled in size, and I swear his smirk did too, at my reaction.

Okay, I choose you.

And that's how I ended up going to girls' choice with enticing blue eyes, AKA Logan Rogers. I thought shopping with the girls was hectic, but I didn't think a dance could be the cause of such hectic situations.
Hey, lovelies! I left a cliff hanger -sort of- thing for you guys. I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors, I'm tired, and my heart feels heavy. I might update next week, but I'm not sure because school just started and I'm pretty sure I have a quiz to study for, but I'll try. So please if you liked this chappie, vote, comment, follow and tell your friends.
"I never dreamt because I'm just too busy waiting for nothing and waisting away..."
-Tonight Alive, Wasting Away
I thought the chorus was very fitting with the story and the way Sniper feels a lot of the time.

Alina Nicole•

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