Chapter Twenty-One

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Knowing Heartbreak

Chapter Twenty-One

"I'm sorry." Were the first words out of my mouth on this Monday morning.

Yesterday Logan was off in who knows where and so I didn't see him the whole day, so I was just left to feel the residue emotions by myself.
But today I woke up early with the idea of cooking a full breakfast for everyone, seeing as we leave tomorrow, but on my way to the kitchen I found Logan in a very uncomfortable looking position sleeping on the couch. So I woke him up, thinking I would just tell him that he could sleep in our room while I wasn't there, but no. I apologized instead.

"What?" He asked looking really dazed and confused, seeing as he just woke up.
"I'm sorry..." I repeated, this time sounding a bit tired.
"For what?" He asked, making a move to sit down but instead just balance himself on his elbow, with his body half up.
"For... Everything." Truth be told, I didn't know for what. Sure yelling at him like that was bad, but it wasn't apology worthy.

Now see, this is were I catch myself being too good. If I was apologizing for yelling at him to leave if he wanted, he should apologize for yelling at me for asking a question, because in a way, that was worse than what I did. But I didn't ask for an apology, instead I was the one giving the apology as if we both weren't in the wrong. And part of me realized that I would accept the situation as it is simply because it was him, and the other was in denial and thought this was just me being the bigger person.

He sighed, running a hand down his face. "Apology accepted, Sniper." He said looking really tired.
"Okay." I said quietly, but I had a small smile one my face.

Part of me said, thank God he forgave me.
The other side said, he says that as if I committed a crime and need to be forgiven for it.

"Well... You can go back to our room and sleep until everyone wakes up and breakfast is ready, or you can stay with me and help me." I told him. I sort of expected him to stay because it was the sweet thing to do, you know, and so, you'd expect your boyfriend to do the sweet thing.
He rubbed at his eyes, then opened them and looked at me. "I think I'd rather sleep, babe." He stood up, pecked me on the lips and then just walked down the hallway and to the bedroom.

Well... I don't mind being alone, I thought, a little hurt by him dismissing me like that.
By the time everyone woke up, I was just about done with breakfast and they all thanked me.
Everyone served their own breakfast, and we all sat at the dinning table.

Logan sat beside me the whole time, but we didn't talk so it felt as if I didn't exist to him. But he didn't look upset at all, and you could always tell when he was, so I was okay with it.

Later on in the day we went to the lake and we took turns diving off this cliff and that was fun and we all just swam around. At that point Logan kept grabbing me by my waist and pulling me to him and he was just playful, which made me happy.

We were back to being happy again.
"Everything's packed and loaded, now it's time to say goodbye to the cabin." Said James, standing at the front door, while we all just sat around the living room talking.

We had decided to leave midday Monday, instead of yesterday because we wanted to stay longer.

"I'm taking you on a date when we get back." Logan said into my ear since I was seating on his lap.
I turned to look at him, "Then you should ask me out first." I told him, right brow arched.
"But you're my girlfriend, I don't need to." He whined, shaking his head.
"Fine then." I just rolled my eyes at him and he smirked.
Logan said 8 o'clock, but like always, he was late, like an hour late. This wasn't new for him though, I was used to it. Whenever we went out, he was always late. The only time I remember him being on time for a date was on our first one.

At 9 o'something I heard a knock on my door, so I turned off my laptop and went to answer the door, clutch in hand, ready to leave.

Logan stood there with a smirk on his face. "I'm sorry I'm late, sweet cheeks."
"Let's just go." I sighed, but I had a little smile on my face just from seeing him.
He stood aside from the door, giving me space to close the door behind me and walk in front of him.
"So where are you taking me?" I asked, once in the car on our way to wherever we were going.
"Somewhere close to our favorite place." He smirked at me and just drove ahead.

Somewhere close to our favorite place turned out to be the pier. Well, a restaurant close to the pier.

I think he chose a nice place. We were close to the beach, which definitely was our favorite place. The restaurant and the pier had a good ambient to them, and the food itself was really good.

After we finished eating and having a few drinks, we decided to take a walk down the pier and checkout the little shacks.

As we walked down the pier, my hand in his, the alcohol already in my bloodstream, I felt brave. So I pulled him to the railing on the boardwalk and we leaned over for a few minutes in comfortable silence before I spoke.

"I... I love you." I said incredibly quiet, and I honestly doubt he heard it.
"What, babe?" He asked, turning me to face him by my waist and pulling me to him.

The proximity between us made my heart beat incredibly fast and it made me even more nervous than I already was.

"I love you." I said sounding breathless, but I was just focused on his reaction.
In the few seconds that took him to reply, I swear a million thoughts went through my mind.
What if he thinks I'm too forward?
What if he doesn't feel the same and it makes things awkward between us?
Those were the two main questions I had. I had never done this before, I had never said it first, let alone truly meant it.
"I love you too, babe." He whispered back, and before I had time to gush inside and smile, he pulled me into a kiss that made me melt. It was slow and passionate. It made me feel loved.

We just stood there, leaning against the railing, his arms around me. I just hoped everything remained as peaceful as it was right now, unlike all the other times when it felt okay and next thing I knew we were fighting.

Please, let us stay okay. I care about him too much, I love him like crazy, I won't be okay if we're not okay.
Hello, lovelies! So Sniper finally said it! And Logan said it back. And I know they're not the most romantic couple ever, but you have to keep in mind that this is the first time Sniper has actually felt it and the first time Logan is in a relationship and he doesn't even like relationships. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did please vote, comment, follow and inform those around you. Hope you guys have a great weekend.

Alina Nicole•

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