Chapter Thirteen

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Knowing Heartbreak

Chapter Thirteen

Come over to my place, I have stuff to show you.

It was Tuesday afternoon when this text showed up. I was confused, but I went along with it, and Maggie gave me a ride over to his house.
"What the fuck did you drag us out here for? I was sleeping!" Jane yelled at James as she sat on the floor indian style and shoved Sour Patch Kids into her mouth continuously.

"I've bee trying to find it since Saturday, and I finally found it!" He told us, hooking up his computer to the television. "I filmed the whole night! Well, not the whole, but I started recording straight after the dance." He told us, making Maggie, June, Jane and I look at each other with wide eyes.

After we woke up on Saturday, we pretended nothing even happened. As if that night, which we don't remember anything about, didn't happen.

"Pay attention, I can't press rewind until the very end. I was drunk too, so I saved it onto my laptop, but I put it under a secret file name, and the only reason I remembered this existed was because I left a Post-It note on my screen." He explained, before pressing play.
"Who wants beer?" Cole yelled, as he handed each of us beers, I could see myself in the back making out with Logan, but nothing else really happened, for the next 15 minutes as we sat inside the car drinking mindlessly.
"Do we have to watch the whole thing... or?" Jane asked as she stopped eating.

"Not really, I can just tell you guys what happened, I already watched it. Plus, it's six hours of film." James told us. "I could just tell you the important stuff, and you can ask me questions later. Is that okay?" He shrugs and asks.

"That's okay." I answer first, and the rest nod.

"Okay, so at the party, Jane is off, who knows where, but eventually, we get to Rita's a and eat the left over pizza, but Jane calls Megan and asks her to come pick her up. Jane tells Megan that she is in the house three doors down to the left from her own. Megan doesn't say anything and just leaves, but I follow her just in case anything happen, it was really late. Anyways, once we get to Jane's I help Megan count the doors and tell her to go knock on the door. I realized it was Eric's by the time I saw which house it was and I wasn't surprised that he opened the door, Jane came out behind him and we left. Jane looked exactly like she looked at the dance and so did Eric, so you probably didn't do anything, they both looked drunker and Jane giggled at everything he said. Once we got back to the pizzeria Maggie was trying to close up the place in her drunken state, but Logan did it for her and invited us all back to his place and we all walk to his house, once we get there I drop the camera on the sofa and you can't see anything, but you can hear us partying. Eventually the guys leave and Maggie goes with them so they can help her get home. I pick up the camera again and then Logan asks Megan to stay the night, and she agrees. Jane and June ask if they can just sleep on the sofa and Logan says he's okay with it. Logan gives you some boxer briefs, but you don't have a shirt so June gives you the one she was wearing under her dress and she puts her dress back on, in the midsts of all this Logan leaves but says he's gonna come back later. You all ignore him. Then the next thing I know, Megan is already upstairs sleeping, Jane is passed out on the floor and June is asleep on the sofa, so I just walk back home and shot the camera off." He explains and we all just sit there looking like fish with our eyes open.

"I woke up alone on the bed, so Logan never came back." I murmured to myself.

"I was at Eric's house." Jane mutters.

"Well, that night was weird." June says and stands up. "I think I'm gonna go home now." She grabs her bag.

"Okay, let's all go. Bye James, thank you, James." Jane sings as she grabs her purse and we make our way out.
"How about I take you out on a date?" Logan asks as he bursts into the boutique.

"Sure. When?" I ask, trying to sound casual, but my heart was beating fast.

"Tonight. I'll pick you up at seven thirty, alright?" He asks, and that never-disappearing is on his lips.

"Yeah, that's okay." I say, as I hang some tops on a rack.

"Cool." He says, but before leaving he comes over, stands in front of me and pecks me straight on the lips. "See ya!" And I swore I saw his smirk grow wider, as he rushed out the door, and all I could do was laugh.
Logan and I had arrived to this fancy restaurant. Apparently their specialty here seafood, and once I tasted it I realized why. It was heaven. The conversation had not once dimmed between us. We were laughing and learning about each other.

On one hand, I was excited because I liked this guy and I was on a date with said guy, but on the other hand I was excited because this meant he might like me, and if he likes me, he can fall for me and if he can fall for me I can crush his heart. The first feeling of excitement was new for me, the latter type of excitement was totally normal. It's just habit by now.
We were now taking a walk on the beach, the sky had already set and the stars were already up. We had left the restaurant after chatting and dessert. I offered to split the bill, but Logan refused to do such a thing.

"So, I've been meaning to tell you..." Logan trails off, as we sit down and I rest my head against his chest, looking out at the water that kept kissing the sand. "I really like you." My cheeks tinted pink and I looked up at him slowly, in shock. He just smirked down at me.

"I umm... I really like you too." I finally muttered, looking away from him, turning my face towards the water again. Suddenly, he put his fingers under my chin and softly turned my head to look at him. Next thing I knew his lips were on mine, but the next two seconds we were already breaking apart.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked softly, his face still close to mine.

"Yeah, I will."
It was Thursday night, Jane and I were just hanging in my apartment discussing my date with Logan.

I laughed, as she shrieked, demanding I tell her everything. "Okay, okay! Stop harassing me! I promise I'll tell you everything, let me just go get some juice." I told her, pushing myself off the bed and towards the door. "Do you want anything?" I asked, my hand on the doorframe.

"No, I'm good, thanks." She replied and I made my way out the door.

I quickly went to the kitchen and poured myself some orange juice.

I stood at the open frame of my door and Jane stood inside the room smiling at me, so I smiled back. Then I noticed what she held in her hand. Mg journal. Where I kept everything to do with the whole breaking hearts thing.

"What's this?" She asked the smile never leaving her face.

Oh, shit!
Hey, lovelies! Is that a cliffhanger I see? Why yes it is! So I updated, I'll try to update soon, no promises though. I'm sorry the scene with Logan was short. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please remember to comment, vote follow and tell your friends. I also hope you guys are doing good.

Alina Nicole•

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