Chapter Twenty-Two

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Knowing Heartbreak

Chapter Twenty-Two

"Why do we have to do this?" Eric screamed as he slid down the couch, and crossed his arms looking like a little kid.

"Because we need to graduate!" Jane yelled from her parens's office.

We were currently at Jane's house because we had to begin our project today.
So today we were going to interview the two people who had never gone through a traumatic experience.
The teacher gave us a list of things that could be considered traumatic experience and it was pretty basic stuff.
-Rape/Sexual harassment
-Any crash occurring in any form of transport. (Car, airplane, train, etc.)
-Any divorce affecting the person directly
-Physical/Verbal abuse (Includes bullying too)
-Failed pregnancy/complicated child birth
-Any event or occurrence that left the individual either physically or mentally scarred, or both.

It was a very generalized list because she explained how different people are affected by different things and that if we were to list all of those traumatic things, It'd be a never ending list of things.
What we actually had to do was interview two people who had never been traumatized by anything in their lives and ask them questions about the life they lead today, then we had to interview two people who had been traumatized by something in their life and ask them questions about the life they lead today. We were also supposed to put those interviews together into a compact form that seemed like a documentary. Then each of us had to write a ten page essay about our take on the things that occurred to those people or the things they said. We had the option of interviewing more than two people from each category, or write more than ten pages each, but like Eric said, we were trying to graduate, not get an award.

So now Jane was printing out the list of traumatic things for the person to check off or write down, because along with the recorded interview we had to do a written profile of each person.

"I'm done!" Jane yelled appearing in the living room with her bag on her shoulder and a folder which I assumed held all the papers inside.
"Let's go then!" Eric yelled and we all went out and got in the car to go to our first destination.
So, for the first interview I thought we should interview Lolly, my boss. She had a son and since failed pregnancy was on the list I thought of her. Obviously she had been able to get pregnant and give birth, but not everyone gets pregnant from the first try and so maybe she had had other complications with pregnancy. Maybe it was bad to think of her, but complicated pregnancies were a reality, so yeah. Plus, if she had never been traumatized by anything ever, we could still interview her.

So here we were, at the boutique waiting for Lolly to finish with a client so we could ask her about the interview.

Eric stood leaned against a wall, while Jane leaned her back on him while she texted, so I was a little curious as to what went on between them. I had been so caught up in my own relationship that I forgot about her's.

"So, what do you guys need?" Lolly asked us, smile on her face as always.
"We want to interview you for our senior project." I said, while Jane started taking out the papers we would need her to fill out.
"I would love to! What's it about?" She asked enthusiastically.
"Well, we have to interview two people from to different categories, which would be has been traumatized by something or never have been traumatized." I explained briefly.
"Yeah and we have to record the interview, then we have you fill out a sheet of paper with some of your information because we have to do a written profile of you." Jane explained further.
"Oh, and the interview will be presented to the graduating class and any other people who decide to show up for the senior project screening." Eric pitched in while setting up the camera.
"So here's a sheet that we would like you to fill out, so we know what questions to ask you and what category to fit in. All you have to do is check things off, and just answer the last two questions yes or no." Jane said handing Lolly the first sheet of paper.
"Will do." She answered with a smile on her face.

While she went behind the counter and checked off the list, Jane, Eric and I made sure the camera was in focus and that you could see the person clearly in the shot.

"Done!" Lolly said cheerily, and held up the paper as if she had just finished a test and was sure she got A+. I swear she's a child sometimes.
"Okay," I said taking the paper from her hand and going through it.
She had not been traumatized by anything ever.
I took out the paper with the written questions Jane was supposed to ask her in the second part of the video.

"Should we get started?" Asked Eric, sitting behind the tripod.
"Sure, just give me a minute to put the closed sign up, just so no one interrupts and talk with Megan for a second." Lolly smiled and we all

"I think we need to work out an agreement." Lolly told me and I was confused, so I asked her to explain. "This month's new merchandise just arrived this morning and since I've been busy all day with customers I haven't had time to unbox it or set it up. So I wanted to ask you if you could do that while I do the interview, and if you do that, you'll get paid what you would get paid for your shift, but you don't have to come in for your shift later." She explained and had a sort of hopeful gleam in her eye, as if I didn't work for her and this was just a favor.
"Yeah, of course, we just have to check with Jane and Eric first to see if they don't mind me not being present during the interview." I told her and she smiled at me.
"Thank you, hon. I just want to close up early so I can get ready and make sure the babysitter is set so maybe my husband and I can go on a date night." She looked joyed at the mention of her husband, and I honestly imagined that's the way I looked at the mention of Logan.
"Well, I hope you to have fun tonight. And what do I actually need to do?" I asked not totally sure of what she wanted me to do with the new merchandise.
"Oh, you just need to unbox it, hang the clothing up, and put it in respective hangers by category like skirts and dresses. And you don't need to tag it, because I'll do that tomorrow morning." She told me.
"Okay, I can do that." I nodded and smiled at her and we went back to the area where the tripod and stools were set up.

"Is it okay if Megan works while we film the interview?" Lolly asked and both Jane and Eric smiled at her and nodded.
"Then I'm going to go do that."

So, I managed to unbox, hang up and categorize all the new merchandise in the hour that it took them to film the interview and to fill out the sheet of paper with her information.

Then we interviewed Eric's boss, and one of his colleagues volunteered to be interviewed, so we killed two birds with one stone on that last stop.
Today the girls and I had a beach day and it was a lot of fun, especially because we usually hang out with all the guys there, but it was just us this time.

And you know, it's days like these that made me happy and hopeful for my own future.

And then, tonight Jane and June were coming over and we were going to have a sleep over. We planned to watch scary movies, rom-coms and eat pop corn all night long.

Nights when I wasn't alone made me feel secure because in the past, I was always so alone, but it felt like I finally found that one group of people I fit with.

Let's just pray that my hope isn't in vain.
Hey, lovelies! I hope y'all enjoyed that chappie. I know, it's kind of shortish, but this one was sort of a filler... Cause it's my book and I can insert fillers. But it wasn't a bad chapter, so if you enjoyed it, please comment, vote, follow, and inform others. I hope you guys have a great day/night.

Alina Nicole•

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