Chapter Eight

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Knowing Heartbreak

Chapter Eight

When I was a kid for some reason I only seemed to attract the nice kids. You know, the ones who were nice to everybody because life back than was just about flowers vomiting rainbows. Well I always was friends with those kid, but we were never really close. It was only in the fourth grade when I had my first best friend, Lindsey McGuire. She was cold, and a total hard ass. Mean to anybody and everybody. Never once did I see her cry, not even after the violent fights she got in at school. She only ever showed a soft spot for me, and it was only when I was down at my very worst. As a kid I was vulnerable to pretty much everything and I was shy, being locked in that bubble of nice kids for years and all. Some days I wanted to be like her and I wanted to just stop giving a shit.

My mom loved Lindsey, she knew that having Lindsey as my best friend would help me out of my shell. Gradually every year I would do something more outgoing. She would force me to do all types of pranks with her, but I loved it, I loved the thrill of being bad. I still remember the last prank we did.


“Stop being such a fucking wuss, Sniper.” Lindsey said as she threw the duffel bag full of spray paint cans over the fence, before climbing over it herself with no need whatsoever of my aid. Suffice to say she was good at this.

“But what if we get caught?” I asked eyes wide in fear at the very thought.

“We won’t get caught. Plus who would expect two 13-year-old girls to be out at eleven o’clock at night breaking in to school? Nobody, right? So that probably means the school doesn’t have security guards or security cameras.” Lindsey said as she dusted herself off on the other side of the fence.

“What if somebody drives by and sees us out here and calls the cops?” I asked, pulling my jean jacket tighter around me because of the chilly night air.

“Dude, seriously, take a chill pill.” Lindsey sighed, picking up the duffel bag. “Okay, so I’m going to go into the school through the back door and open up the front doors for you since you know, the doors open from the inside not the outside.” Lindsey said already make her way to leave.

“Please hurry,” I pleaded

“Of course, Snip.” She said before running off…

And that was what happened the night we wrote stupid cuss words all over the principal’s office and stapled photos of him with his mistress all over the school walls –don’t ask how we got the pictures-.

The next day the principal threatened all of us, but he never caught Lindsey and I, plus within the next week his wife –who was a teacher in our school- had already filed for divorce.

{End of flashback}

Unfortunately, Lindsey moved away a month before my parents commenced their divorce. Her father was a scientist, had this promotion to research this rare molecule – in Russia. It was painful for Lindsey and I, we practically lived at each other’s houses, we were like sisters.

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