Chapter Thirty-Three

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Knowing Heartbreak

Chapter Thirty-Three

"I think you should include your story in that project of your's." Daniel tells me, as I lie across his bed, my back to him, reading, while he lays back on the other side while he uses his laptop.

"And why the hell would I do that?" I ask, marking the page in my book and turning around to face him.

"Because clearly your father's actions and your parents' divorce left you traumatized." He told me in a duh tone.

"Yes, but it was petty of me." I said, shrugging off the thought.

"You may think of it as petty, but you're traumatization came from being young and seeing what hurt your father caused your mother. Plus, I think it'd make you feel free if everyone knew you." He told me, typing away on his laptop.

"It came from that, but it's petty nonetheless. My mom moved on with her life and was able to trust another man, and yet here I am, a dumb teenager who just couldn't get over it. And for no reason too, it's not like my mom ever let me see his mistresses." I told him, fiddling with my finger, anxious as I thought about myself. "And Dan, you're smart, but I think this is one of the worst ideas you've ever had. It would make me feel everything but free if everyone saw me as the heartless bitch I am." I told him, the mortification I felt now, when only people close to me knew, was a clear indication of the terrible mortification I'd feel if the graduating class of my recent high school knew.

He sighed, running a hand through his already messy brown locks. "You're not a heartless bitch, Sniper Emilia." He put the laptop beside me and made a move to envelope me in his arms, which I gladly granted. His hugs were the best. "In fact, I think you have a lot more heart than most." He told me as I nuzzled my face into his hard chest.

"Ha! Doubt it." I snorted lightly, pulling back a little so I could look at him.

"You're brave and you can be one of the most caring and affectionate human beings when you actually care for someone." He said, and his bright brown eyes smiled, if that's even possible. "I know I questioned wether you actually cared about me at all back then, but thinking about it, I felt that you cared. The way you try and take care of those you love can't be faked, Sniper." The way he smiled warmed my heart and made it do flips. Also made a little butterfly take flight in my stomach.

"Thanks for that, Danny." I smiled back at him, but yet, I couldn't believe what he said, and I knew that he knew that I didn't because he knew me. I don't think I was this caring girl.

"I'm serious, Snip. It's one of the main reasons I loved you." He told me, looking serious, then he turned back to his laptop. "Correction, love." He muttered, almost to himself, and so I could tell that I wasn't meant to hear that last part.

So I ignored it. I just didn't know if I did it for his sake or mine. Maybe for my sanity, because how could some one love me?

"How does it feel?" I asked instead, my curiosity taking a hold of me.

"How does what feel?" He asked, looking up from his laptop with an adorable confused look on his face, eyebrows scrunched.

"How does it feel to have me here?" I ask, not knowing how to word it. "Like, what is it like to have me back in your life when I broke your heart three years ago?" I elaborated.

"Honestly?" He asked, "It feels natural. Like you're meant to be here with me. Just hanging out as if we're old friends. I love the familiarity I feel around you. I love how you feel so comfortable around me and my family. As if this is a natural thing between us. In conclusion, it feels great to have you back here with me." And after he finished, he didn't smile, but I knew he wanted to and for some reason his words made heat rise from my neck to my cheeks, turning them pink.

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