Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Knowing Heartbreak

Chapter Twenty-Nine

"Flight 126, please get ready to board."

I stood up from my seat near the gate and went to the line to board like everyone else. I just wanted to leave, all I wanted to do was leave.

I hadn't slept much since 3am last night and spent the whole day locked in that apartment watching meaningless movies and now I just wanted to run. But no, I couldn't, it just wasn't that simple.

First of all, it was already night, then I had to buy a plane ticket, which is not all that easy when you want the flight for today. But at this point, I don't think I cared much about over spending. Then I spent about an hour walking around the airport waiting for my flight to board at around 9:30pm.

I was incredibly uneasy, even a lady who was seating near me asked me if I was okay. She must have noticed my shaking hands, the way I bounced my leg up and down continuously and the way my eyes scanned everything. I told her that I was okay, that I was just afraid of flying. Which was a total lie, but I don't think lies could hurt me more, plus, otherwise I would look like I didn't have all my marbles up there.

So here I was, standing in line waiting to board. My hands still shook as I held the plane ticket in one hand and put the other in my pocket. I would use my phone, but I had thrown it in the suitcase and obviously I couldn't take the suitcase with me on the plane.

Eventually I boarded the plane and prepared myself for whatever the hell I was going to do. Or say for the matter. It's not like I could get off without being interrogated.

Here I come, New Orleans.
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I managed to fall asleep a little after the plane had taken off. The lady who had sat beside me didn't ever stop talking and while I tried to be polite, I couldn't care less about what she was saying. Plus, while I tried to not think about anything in particular, my mind was filled to the brim with more important things than this lady's need to unload. Really, she'd bored me into sleep with her rambling.

I woke about 20 minutes before landing or at least that's what the stewardess had told me. Right now I was picking up my suitcase so I get out of the almost vacant airport, aside from the families picking up passengers.

I always thought it was really sweet that lots of people would have family and friends there to pick them up at the airport, unfortunately enough, that wasn't my case. Not today at least.

I walked with my suitcase in tow, handbag perched on my shoulder, head slightly bowed. I didn't really feel the need of making the few people here aware of my sadness just by the look on my face.

"Where to?" The taxi driver asked, smiling at me, the bags under his eyes showing me that he was tired.

And so I smiled back at the man because I realized he was being nice and the least I could do was return it and then I gave him my aunt and uncle's house address.

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I stepped out of the car, handing the driver the money and thanking him, he just smiled, climbed back inside and drove away.

I stood there, in front of the pretty house. It was a victorian, and on the outside it was navy blue and it had a beautiful garden filled with a variety of flowers out front. As if to display the happiness inside the house. I went up the steps, struggling a bit with my suitcase. I stood in front of the door, legs shaking. Not because of the cold -it was late fucking May-, but because I was nervous.

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