Chapter Twenty-Five

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Knowing Heartbreak

Chapter Twenty-Five

I strolled down the hallway, making my way to my locker, just praying that I wouldn't bump into Jane because I wouldn't be able to handle that.

Jane and I had been ignoring each other like the fucking plague. We had lots of classes together, but she always arrived late and sat at the back, while I sat at the very front. And for lunch, everyday for the past week, Logan and I had just gone out. That had to be the only remotely good think about avoiding Jane, Logan and I just got to spend more time together.
And I just swear that every minute I spend near that boy, I fall harder, as cliché as that will sound. It's just... The way he smiles and his eyes shine bright and it gives me this feeling of we're invincible, like nothing could go wrong. Or the way his smirk reminds me that he's a good kind of trouble. Or maybe just the way I can see exactly how he feels through that pair of enticing blue eyes and how they leave me breathless.
He couldn't possibly do wrong by me. He wouldn't hurt me, not when he's so amazing to me. Not with the way he smiles at me.

Jane actually wasn't at my locker, I saw, as I went back to my original train of thought. But Maggie was there, smile on her face like always.

"Hey, Snip!" She waved cheerily as I got closer, and that made me smile.

"Hey, Mags!" I said, smiling brightly at her, then gave her a tight hug.

"Do you have any plans tonight?" She asked casually, stepping away so I could open my locker and get my things.

"Nope." I replied, while grabbing a textbook out, and putting a notebook in it's place.

"Great! That means you can come with us. We're having a girls night out!" She said enthusiastically, and while her enthusiasm would have made me smile, I just couldn't.

"Again?" I asked in place of the question I really wanted to ask, which was will Jane be there? But I already knew the answer to that.

"Yeah! I mean, we're all so caught up in everything and school ends soon, so I just thought it would be nice. We could even just stay at home and watch movies, but it'd just be great to have all my girls in one place with no distractions, to talk, laugh and just have fun." She explained, and part of me wanted to go. Part of me wanted to be with them and talk nonstop with them all night long, because they were my girls, and this week I've missed them, but a part of me just wasn't going to face Jane.

"Actually, I don't think I can make it." And as the words left my mouth, I realized that I was being a bitch and that just made me feel like crap.

"But why not? You said you didn't have plans..." Maggie trailed off, the enthusiastic smile had been replaced by a frown. My heart clenched, I didn't want to do this.
Yup, it's more evident now, I'm a bitch.

"I thought I would spend tonight with Logan, since you know, we have to unwind from exams and stuff..." I said quietly, trying not to seem as upset with myself as I was, but I knew she heard.

"But you've spent this whole week with Logan." She replied, sounding disappointed.
Probably not as disappointed as I was with myself.

"Yeah, but not like a night because of the whole studying and stuff." I'm actually a much better liar and excuse maker than this, but I couldn't lie to Maggie. Maggie, my friend, the girl who immediately befriended me the moment she saw me. Not when she was so sweet. So that was the best excuse I could give her without wanting to bury myself six feet under.

"Oh..." Was all that left her mouth.

"I'm really sorry, Mags. Next time, I promise, okay?" I said, feeling like utter crap because her eyes looked sad, and it wasn't her fault. She didn't know that Jane and I had a fight.

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