Chapter Fifteen

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Knowing Heartbreak

Chapter Fifteen

"Are we going to the beach?" I ask as I buckle myself, in Logan's car. I can't help but want to go to the beach, it's our place.

Oh, fuck, I'm in deep. Abort mission, abort, I say! A voice screamed at the back of my mind, but I ignored it, like always. It was the voice of reason, why would I listen to that?

"Yeah, we are." He told me, turning to smirk at me mischievously. I love that smirk. And those eyes that shine no matter what.

"It's midnight, you do realize this? If the police officer from last time catches up we're spending the night in a cell." I tell him, my natural worried self coming out.

"Calm down, that officer was nice, he isn't gonna do shit." Logan said and zoomed off into the empty streets, filled with darkness.

"If you say so," I shrugged, without a care in the world. I was always at peace with his lips on mine.
"Do you think we're going too fast?" Logan asks me, after gaining his breath. My kisses just left him breathless, I guess.
That makes me oddly happy...
"Wow! I should receive a Lifetime Achievement award! Who thought Clairemont High's biggest player would ever ask anyone that, or me for the matter?" I joked loudly, no other player had ever asked me that. To me that signified Logan was special.
To me he was...
"Hey! I thought Eric was the biggest player!" He joked back.
"Nah, you win the prize. Eric is in love and tired of meaning less sex..." I shook my head, knowing the weird crap that happened between Jane and Eric.
"No, I still don't win. You see, I'm really into this girl and ever since she arrived I've turned celibate. Decided to devote my life for the good of the people." Logan smirked straight at me, leaning his elbows back into the sand.

"I'm sure," I laughed, "I don't think celibacy is your forte, though. I doubt you're that into her." I spoke, knowing well enough I was the girl.
Celibate my ass.
"But you see, that's where you're wrong,babe. I thought she was just another pretty face, but she's amazing and she jokes about my sex life and she isn't insecure about. Pretty soon I'll be in the same situation as Eric." He told me and if I didn't hold myself back, my jaw would be flat on the floor.
But that's where you're wrong, babe. I am insecure about it.

That was true. First time ever in a relationship in which the guy's feelings were reciprocated. Which was wrong of me; Logan deserved to know the truth, but sadly just not yet.

"That's good to know, too bad you're with me instead." I smiled cheekily and leaned up to kiss him.
"I don't think so, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." I felt him smile into the kiss as he spoke.

"We have got to stop meeting like this!" Someone yelled from behind us, making the magic around us fade away. "You kids need a new hobby. I'm out in peace, doing my rounds when I see two shadows and I get all worried, but it's just two teenagers fooling around." We turn around and there stands Officer McDougall. "C'mon now, get up. Don't just look at me like you found an alien." He rolled his eyes at us, gesturing with his hands for us to stand up.

I got up, panic running through my veins, afraid of the consequences, but for now I was Megan. Megan just preferred to stay out of trouble, she didn't care though.
"I'm gonna take you two down to the station, but I won't call your parents, don't panic yet. A friend will have to come pick you up though..." In that moment, Officer McDougall was an angel in my eyes.

"Let's go then." Logan muttered, his voice bitter.
Why is he bitter? He got us here in the first place...
~ ~ <> ~ ~
"Hey," I said quietly into the old, rusty, used payphone inside the cell Logan and I where in.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I guess she sensed my overly tired tone.
"Logan and I are inside a cell in the police station..." I trailed of, grimacing, even though Jane couldn't see me.
"Don't even tell me what you did, I'm on my way." I heard key clinking in the background before she hung up.

"Jane is on her way," I let Logan know, sitting on the bench opposite from his. He just grunted in response. "What is your problem?" i asked him loudly, annoyed and upset. "You're the reason we're in here in the first place." I muttered, bitterly too.

"Oh, so it's my fault now?" He asked and I could tell he was a bit pissed.

"Yes it is! I told you we would get in trouble, dickwad! But you wouldn't listen!" I blew my top and just yelled at him.
"I told you, I told you." I said in a mutter this time. "Just be glad he didn't decide to call our parents." I blew out a loud sigh.

"Yes, I'm so sorry, your majesty! Since nothing is ever your fault!" He yelled at me and I realized that he was being rude, but I was blaming it all on him. If it had really bothered me in the beginning I could have just stayed home, but I was alright with whatever he did, because I cared.
~ ~ <> ~ ~
"I don't even wanna know what got you guys in there." Jane laughed a bit, as she pulled out of the station's parking lot.
"I wasn't gonna tell you anyway." I laughed too, buckling myself up. Logan and I sat in the back seat together.
"That's just cold." Jane replied and after, silence consumed us, but it was peaceful. Next thing I knew, Logan had grabbed my hand and my hand stayed in his.

In that moment I realized that Logan and I had plenty of fights ahead of us, but we were gonna be fine. That wasn't gonna break us up. For once, I wanted a relationship. I wanted this relationship, with this guy. We had imperfections, but it could work, because I wanted this. Whatever it is we had.
Hey, lovelies! I know I haven't updated in forever, and honestly, I don't have any sort of excuse. On the bright side though, I'm happier these days and that has to count for something. So I hope this chapter made you all happy, even if it was because you know the story is moving along. So please, comment, vote, follow and tell your friends. It is much appreciated. Hope y'all have a good week and you should expect an update of Sniper's journal tonight.

Alina Nicole•

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