Chapter Nine

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Knowing Heartbreak

Chapter Nine

"So, what up between you and Logan?" My boss said, trying to sound casual as ever as she leaned one elbow onto the counter.
"Something just occurred to me. I don't know your name and you're my boss." I said trying to stir away the conversation, but completely interested.
"If you answer my question I might just answer yours." She said as if she was making a drug deal.
"I didn't ask you a question." I said widening my eyes just a bit, tilting my head to the side, trying to psych her out.
"No, you didn't, but it was implied. Though I'm serious, if you don't answer me you'll never know my name." She said, eyes wide, leaning closer to me. Seems we both had the same plan.
"You do realize that eventually you'll have to give me a paycheck, right?" I asked one eyebrow arched.
"I'll only pay you in cash." She said, lips pursued, both eyebrows arched.
I grunted in an unladylike and narrowed my eyes at the crazy blonde lady with pink highlights.
"Why are you so interested, anyway?" I sighed loudly, dropping my head onto my arms, which were bent over the counter.
"I like secrets," She giggled like a schoolgirl and I couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Plus, I heard he mentioned something about a hangover yesterday." She shrugged one shoulder.

Yes, yesterday. I had gone 'home' after work and the Logan thing, to find Jane sitting in front of my door. When asked what she was doing at six o'clock on doorstep she said she didn't feel like going home. Turns out her crazy conservative aunt was visiting for the evening, Jane hates her aunt. So this morning I woke up on the floor instead of on my bed, whileJane happily snored on top of my bed, snuggled up on my pillows. Horrible back pain is what followed this happening. Today is Monday so all I could do was try and wake Jane up. She woke up cranky and she brushed her teeth with a spare tooth brush I always kept in my suitcase and changed into a pair of my shorts and crop top, putting her coat over herself. By the end of the day I was exhausted, but of course this was how I was greeted by my boss.

"Nothing is going on between me and Logan. I was at a party and he started talking to me and me being the nice person I am decided that it was alright if I danced just a bit with him." Immediately she squealed, which caused me to hold a hand up for her. "Nothing more, nothing less, so please calm down." I sighed.

"Fine, no need to be moody." She said raising her hands up in surrender. "Lolly," She said as she changed the outfit on a mannequin.

"What?" I asked not understanding.

"My name. It's Lolly, like lollipop." She smiled brightly, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Is that seriously your name?" I laughed

"Yeah, well it's a nickname, my actual name is Laura. Laura Gemsworth." She smiled even brighter. "Married, owner of a boutique, oldest child of a still married couple, mother... what else? Oh! I'm originally from Chicago." She finished, "Now you know everything to know about me." She grinned at me, continuing to organize racks of clothing.

This time it was me over at Jane's, though I wasn't planning to sleep here, unlike Jane, who would move in with me if she had permission to do so.
"So, Megan, why did you move here?" The twins' mom, Margaret, asked me, a bright smile lighting her lips, as she placed some puff pastry dough croissants into the oven. Jane got her personality from her mom, or so I think.

"Well, when my parents got divorced I got emancipated because I wanted to go somewhere new and all my mom wanted was for me to be happy, so I ended up here." I briefly summarize. At least it's not all a lie.

"Well your mom seems like a good mom." She smiles before getting some spices out of the pantry. "I mean, it think a good mom is a mom who only wishes happiness for her child." She continues.

"Yeah, you're right, she is amazing." I smile fondly thinking about the amazing woman I get to call my mother.

"Mommy dearest!" Jane chirps as she skips into the kitchen, literally skips. "Best friend dearest!" She greets me as if she hadn't been talking to me three minutes ago. "We're going to go upstairs and study." She tells her mother, grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the kitchen.

"Okay. Have fun talking about boys!" Margaret exclaims from the kitchen as we're already halfway up the stairs.

We walked into Jane and June's shared bedroom. Bright lilac walls, plush white carpet and two identical, white headboards pushed against opposite sides of the room. Jane sat on her bed, her duvet was white with a print made to look like somebody had splattered paint all over it, June's was just a really light teal. Cute room.

"I need you to tutor me." Jane states.

"Why?" I ask quizzically, eyebrow arched.

"Because today our homeroom teacher told Eric he needed tutoring and I joked that no amount of tutoring would ever make him less stupid and as a punishment the teacher is obligating to tutor him." She says as if that explains it all.

I shrugged, "I still don't get it. What does you having to tutor Eric have to do with me tutoring you?" I ask.

"I don't want him to fail his classes and I'm not necessarily the smartest thing out there." She tells me.

"Okay. Fine, but why can't June do it?" I ask knowing for a fact that even though I'm smart June is about three times smarter than me.

"Because we've already tried it before and let's just say that June didn't have a phone for two months, we had to remodel our kitchen and we are banned from our parents' bathroom." She smiled sheepishly.

"Okay, I'll tutor you, but we should probably start now, we have a quiz coming up and you have to tutor Eric soon." I say standing up from the bed to go get my messenger bag which is in the living room, but before I could get out of the room Jane grabbed onto my arm making me look down at her.

"We can do that tomorrow. Let's just surf through Tumblr and watch movies on Netflix  for today." She pouted her lips like a little kid asking for candy.

"Alright," I laughed
It's exactly 11 o'clock at night. I left Jane's at nine. Went directly home, took a shower, got in my pjs and got in bed, but all I did was toss and turn. I couldn't seem to stop thinking about all the people I care about who I was lying to. So, here I sat on the beach, at night in a pair of sweatpants and a pj top. Was it dangerous? Yes, very much so, but I couldn't go back to the apartment. Those four walls kept reminding me that I was doing something bad.

"Well, hello there, stranger." Somebody said from behind me causing me to jump, letting out a small yelp, but before I could turn around to see who it was I found myself looking at enticing blue eyes. Logan.

"Why is this the second time I find you on the beach at night all alone?" He asks, classic smirk on his lips.

I shrugged one shoulder, playing with the sand."I don't know, are you stalking me?" I ask with a grin.

"Yes, yes I am." He said so seriously, but then he burst out laughing once he saw my scared face and wide eyes. "I'm just kidding," He continued laughing. "I'm actually not..." He muttered under his breath and I scooted away from him and he started laughing again and I hit his arm, but I found myself laughing along with him.

Eventually our laughter died down and I found he was staring at me, but before I knew it he was leaning in, never loosing eye contact, his nose almost touching mine. Before I knew it his lips were pressed against mine and a small spark occurred between our lips. Our lips moved rhythmically, gently, and his arm slipped around my waist pulling me closer. But before I knew it, it was over and for once in my life I found myself wanting more.
Hey, lovelies! I hope you all had a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Christmas and that you got everything you wished for. I left it at a cliffhanger because I'll be updating soon. Please, feel free to comment, vote and follow, oh, and tell your friends. BTW the photo is of Lolly's hair.

Ps. I'm craving some cuddling, pillow talk and coffee. Anybody else?

Alina Nicole

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