Chapter 33 : Unexpected

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3rd person Pov.

It was near 7:30pm at the evening. The sun had already hid under his blanket and was now sharing his light with his partner the moon. Between them was a person, named Wang Yibo. He was waiting patiently for his partner, standing in the middle of the beach. The beach which is usually very very crowded at day, has only a few number of people in the evening. Yibo for some reason was feeling very restless. He had his friends surrounding him. Hao Xuan and his boyfriend Song Jiyang, Fanxing, Meng Ziyi all are trying to calm him down. He has been feeling like this for the past two weeks.

"Guys, I'm afraid...", Yibo said, frustration clear in his voice.

"Everything will be fine... Just take a deep breath and say everything from the bottom of your heart", his friends tried to console him.

Suddenly, Yibos phone rang. He quickly fished out his phone from his pocket and received the call.

"It's time", a person from the other side of the call said and cut the call immediately. Yibo looked at his friends with too much nervousness. But, his friends pat his shoulder and walked away, leaving him alone, fighting with his own anxiety.

On the other hand, it took almost one hour and a half to reach the said beach. He quickly climed off the taxi after paying the driver. He ran like a madman towards the entrance of the beach, eyes puffy and red. But, his legs halted as fairy lights and lanterns started showing up on his way. For an unknown reason, his heartbeat started rising. Ignoring the feeling, he started running again. As soon as the sand touched his shoes, he stopped again. As he looked down, his eyes caught jars after jars filled with fairy lights to his both sides, leading to the center of the beach, and in the center of the beach was glowing beautifully.

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Zhan felt very confused, yet very surprised. "Why this lights are doing here? What all this decorations was for?" Zhan thought. He started walking again, with fairy lights his bith sides. The more he walked, the more his heartbeat got faster and faster. Soon a tall figure caught his eyes. As he walked closer to the center of the beach, that person came more clear into his view. And soon, Zhan could see the person very clearly. It was none other then Yibo.

Zhan felt like crying as soon as he saw Yibo. He has been waiting all day for this certain person, but that person didn't come and now, here he is, standing in the middle of the beach, wearing the other piece of the couple hoodie Zhan was wearing and black jeans. Zhan walked closer to Yibo and stood in front of him. Behind Yibo, Zhan saw more lights, beautifully decorated, creating a huge amount of brightness, a small square table, decorated with flowers and more fairy lights, colorful balloons were attached to each corner of the table. But, leaving everything else, Zhans eyes focused only on the certain person who was also looking at him.

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