Chapter 31 : Sweet and Sour 2

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Xiao Zhan's Pov.

Today was a beautiful sunny Sunday. It's the only day when me and Yibo spend the whole day together. I love spending time with Yibo. Well, guess it's not just me but everyone loves spending time with their loved ones.

We decided to eat out for lunch today and then go for a little shopping. Yibo took me to my favorite restaurant, ordered my favorite food. We ate our lunch while chatting and laughing together which earned other people's attention, but could I care. I love him, we love each other and we're not afraid of what others might think, because that's not necessary.

After having lunch, we went to a big shopping mall. Surprisingly, Yibo dragged me to a jewellery shop. I was utterly confused. He asked the an worker to show him couple necklaces. And when I asked him for whom he was buying it, he simply answered "for us". As if it was the most common thing in the world. Never have I ever thought we'd one day buy couple necklaces together. This all seemed like a dream.

The worker showed us few necklaces but none meet Yibos expectations. Then the worker told us that they also does customized jewellery. Then he showed us some beautiful designs of necklace that they make. And this time one of the designs caught Yibos and my attention. He immediately bought it. When the worker gave us two pieces of paper to write what we want to engrave on the necklace, Yibo took the initiative to write it. And, guess what, he didn't even let me see it.

Getting out of the jewellery shop, Yibo dragged me to a cloths shop. I wasn't in thw mood of buying any cloths as we had bought few cloths last week but Yibo literally whinned like a little kid to buy some couple cloths. And, I couldn't say no to him.

He choose some matching t-shirts and hoodies for us and we went to the trying to try those clothes out. I came out wearing a white hoodie with black stripes in the middle and waited for Yibo. Soon, Yibo came out wearing a black hoodie with white stripes in the middle. He looked so handsome in the simple hoodie.

"Woah..Zhanzhan, you look really good" Yibo said looking at me and I blushed. It's really crazy to know how easily I blush these days. All because of this one man. Wang Yibo.

To hide the blushing face of mine I said, "Yeah, I know r.."

But my words were cut of with another voice, a voice of a woman.

"Bobo.. Honey, is that you?!" I heard the voice asked.

I turned to my left, from where the voice came from, to see a very beautiful girl, probably around my age, standing there. She's very beautiful and cute. She was wearing a red dress that reached near her knees with silver high heels. Her hair was tied up to a lose ponytail. Her porcelain white skin matched perfectly with her red dress. She's skinny and tall. In short, she's very beautiful. But, the question is who is she?

Yibo also turned to her and a surprised expression showed up on his face. He looked perplexed. That girl smiled at him, watching his reaction, while, I stood there dumbfounded and looked at the girl and then at Yibo from time to time.

"Ziyi....!" Yibo said.

"You are Yibo!! Wow!..." She expressed happily.

"What are you doing here?" Yibo asked her, returning back to his posture.

"Shopping of course" She answered simply.

"That's not what I meant" Yibo said with his usual expressionless face.

"Haha.. I know.. I was just kidding. I came back to Chine a few days ago to visit my parents", She explained, smiling, and Yibo nodded as an answer.

I felt like a third person in their person conversation. I fake coughed a little to earn their attention towards me. Yibo and the girl turned to me, and Yibo smiled. He walked towards me and stood beside me.

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