Chapter 16 : Going to The Beach

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3rd person Pov

Hao Xuan came back to his dorm after discussing about their trip. Now he has to make Yibo agree and he has no idea how to do it.

He sat on his bed, saw Yibo's bed was empty. Then he heard water running in the bathroom. After sometimes Yibo came out of the bathroom taking a shower. He slept for almost two hours.
"Hey Xuan, where were you?" Yibo asked when he saw Xuan.
"I was at the cafeteria. Jiyang came to visit me" he replied. Yibo replied with a 'oh'.

After a few moments Hao Xuan spoke, "Hey Yibo.. We're planning to take a break and go on vaca...." He couldn't even finish his sentence before Yibo cut him saying,
"I'm not going anywhere with you guys". 'I want to stay here with my Zhazhan' Yibo said to himself.
"But it's not just me and Jiyang but al..." he started but was cut off in the middle again, "I'm still not going". Yibo's was starn so Xuan didn't force him again. He texted Guo Cheng saying Yibo is not willing to go.

At the other side after Guo Cheng got text from Hao Xuan started thinking of ways to make Zhan agree so that he can make Yibo agree aw well.

Zhan finished his classes at the evening. On his way back to his dorm, he went to Yibo's dorm to check his condition.
"Yibo, how are feeling now?" Zhan asked.
"I'm fine. Actually I feel great now that you came to visit me" Yibo replied with a smile.
Blush spread across Zhan's face turning him into a red tomato.
"Zhan, you just finished you classes didn't you? You should rest now. We can hangout together tomorrow as it's weekend"
"H-hangout together?" Zhan stuttered a bit remembering what happened last time they went to out for dinner. He unconsciously blushed even hard. He didn't realize that the other person was leaning closer to him. He was pulled out of his thoughts when suddenly he felt a soft pair of lips touched his cheek. He felt his heart stopped beating for a few seconds. With widened eyes he looked at the culprit who made his heartbeat stop. Pulling away from Zhan Yibo said, "You look cute when you blush". Zhan just looked at him with a shocked expression. Retrieving back from his shock he said, "You!....Y-you seem totally fine now. I-I think I should g-go back now" looking at Yibo who was smirking all this time.
"I'll call you. Go back and take rest" Yibo replied still smirking.
"I-I'll go now. Bye" Zhan said before running out of Yibo's dorm to his own. Yibo chuckled watching Zhan's reaction.

Reaching his dorm Zhan shut the door with a bang, making the other two startled, who were making out peacefully( ・ิω・ิ)"What the fuck was that!!

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Reaching his dorm Zhan shut the door with a bang, making the other two startled, who were making out peacefully( ・ิω・ิ)
"What the fuck was that!!. Zhan you almost gave me a heart attack" Guo Cheng said with shocked yet irritated look on his face.
However Zhan didn't pay heed on what he said, he himself was way too stocked to even think about everything. He flopped himself on his bed, trying to calm his heart which was beating like crazy.

Guo Cheng and Fanxing was surprised to see Zhan like that. They have never seen Zhan like that.
"Zhan, are you all right? Did you catch fever from Yibo? Why do you look so red?" Fanxing asked looking at the blushing red tomato that was sitting in front of him. He leaned towards Zhan, touched his forehead with the back of his hand to see if he has any fever or not.
" don't have any fever either. Then why are you so red. Did something happen?" he asked tilting his sideways.

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