Chapter 12 : Do I?

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"What?" Jiyang, Guo Cheng and Fanxing asked in unison, all looking at Xuan with bewilderment asking for an explanation. 
"Why are you guys so surprised? Didn't you see the way  Yibo was looking at Zhan. Of course he's in love with him. But he himself doesn't know it yet. This stupid lad still takes Zhan as his best friend" explaind Xuan. 

"How are you so sure?" asked Fanxing. 
"It's obvious, isn't it? Yibo came back to China just for Zhan. I never saw Yibo this happy. I never saw him smiling like this".
"Are you sure about that?" Fanxing asked him again. 
"Why are you asking like that?" 
"Because Zhan loves Yibo. From high school. Zhan himself told us. But he's too afraid to get rejected. The only thing he says that he doesn't wanna lose him". fanxing expained. Xuan and Jiyang was utter shocked.For sometime Xuan didn't know what to say. There was an awkward silence among them.

Then Jiyang broke the silance saying, "don't you guys think we should help them?" 
"How?" asked Guo Cheng. 
"I've a plan" replied Jiyang.
"I think first we should observe them both, just to be sure about Yibo's feelings. Cause we can't mass things up, as Zhan is already suffering from his hidden feelings" said Fanxing. 
"You're right. We need to observe them first" said Xuan. 
"Then, let's observe them for a week and later we'll work as the plan. Okey!"said Jiyang. 

Yibo's Pov

When I saw Zhan after he arrived at the exhibition gallery, I don't know what I was feeling. I felt something that I've never felt before. He was looking so handsome and hot, I blinked several times just to be sure if I'm seeing right. I questioned myself if he was really a human or an angel.

He didn't look like the Zhan I left more then four years ago. I saw Zhan wasn't listening to the people but looking here and there, that seemed more like he was looking for someone. 'Who is he looking for' I asked myself. But then his gaze fell on me, he immediately looked away. His face looked a bit red. 'Is he sick? Why is his face looks red as if ha has a fever!" I thought to myself again. Zhan gave his speech and it was so beautiful. All this time I was looking at him but guess what, he didn't even look at me. NOT A SINGLE TIME 'hmph'.

Then I saw girls were taking pictures with him. It was normal at first but some of the girls were so clingy to him. I don't know why but I felt really angry seeing them getting close to my Zhanzhan...wait zhanzhan? Well he is my best friend... So he's mine right? Whatever. The thing that made my blood boil is Zhan didn't even refuse. He didn't do anything when this bitches touched him in excuse of taking a picture.

Suddenly Hao Xuan hugged me by my shoulder. But I was so engrossed looking at Zhan, I didn't look at Xuan.
"Feeling jealous?" he asked.
Honestly was I jealous? Of course I'm not.. a' why would I be jealous. It's not like I'm his boyfriend or anything. I glared at Xuan before walking towards Zhan.

"ZHAN!" I shouted as he didn't see me standing in front of him.
"Hey Yib...." he started but I cut him of by pulling his hand and getting him of the crowd.
"Yibo... What's wrong?"
"Yibo..let go of my hand. You're hurting me"
"Bobo calm down. What's wrong?" I take him to a corner, there wasn't much people. I let go of his hand before saying
"What do you think you were doing?" I asked almost shouting.
"What do you mean?"
"Can't you see anything or do you like it?" I asked, frustration clear in my voice.
"Yibo, what are you talking about? Please be morse specific and why are so angry?"
"Why didn't you say anything to them?"
"Say anything to whom?" he asked tilting his head sideways.
"Thoes bitches. They were clinging to you in excuse of taking pictures. Why didn't you say anything?" I snarled.
"Aishh...Bobo is it why you're angry! They're students from our faculty. I know them all". His reply made me even more angry.
"You know them but are you close to them. The way you're with me? I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND AND I EVEN NEVER TOUCHED YOU LIKE THAT. WHY DID YOU LET THEM TOUCH YOU?" I shouted out the last two sentences.
"Y-Yibo....calm down first. I won't let them touch me ever again. Ok! Are you happy now?" I don't know why but his reply seemed to calm me down a bit. 'Good. No one is allowed to touch you except me' I screamed inwardly. I wish I could say that out loud. But you know what I said....
"Whatever". I got out of the exhibition gallery.

I didn't even look back at him, cause if I look back, I believe I won't be able to leave this crowded place. I came out to calm my racing heart.
"Wang Yibo, what is wrong with you?" I asked myself. After sometime, I remembered what I said to him a few minutes ago...
What the... Did I really say that?  What the hell was I thinking. Why the hell was I so angry.

Then is what Hao Xuan said true?
Was I really jealous? Why do I feel so weird whenever I'm with him? His smile makes me feel butterflyes flying inside my stomach. He has become more beautiful and handsome at the same time. I don't know why but it's hard for me to look away from him this days. 'Arrrggghhhh' why do I feel so frustrated. What is this feeling.
Do I like him?


Hello guys. How's everyone? Hope everyone is safe and healthy. 😊

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Stay safe❤️❤️

This is exactly how my quarantine days are going

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This is exactly how my quarantine days are going. Sleeping like a bear.😂😂

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