Chapter 10 : Weird Feelings

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I can't believe it's already
chapter 10(≧▽≦)

"Then let's go out for dinner" Yibo said with a small smile looking directly into Zhan's eyes. 'Damn...I feel weird. Why does his eyes feels so addicting! It's probably because I haven't seen him for years' Yibo thought to himself. Seeing his best friend after a very long time made Yibo have this weird feeling since the moment Zhan hugged him. He felt like hugging this man forever.

On the other side Zhan felt his heart is going to jump out of his chest any time because of the sudden offer. He felt heat rise in his cheeks. 'Shit! Am I blushing? Why am I blushing. He didn't ask for a date night. It's just a dinner with your best friend' Zhan thought to himself with a sigh.
But Zhan felt a little awkward with Yibo's gaze. The said male was looking right into his eyes, not saying anything. Zhan quickly averted his eyes from Yibo's gaze and accepted his offer.

"Then get ready before 6pm. I'll call you" s said Yibo before giving a mischievous smile.
"Ok. But you don't have my number" Zhan said and Yibo's smile became wider forming into a smirk. 
"I have it right here" Yibo said showing his phone. 
"How did you get my number?" 
"I have my ways" said Yibo winking at Zhan. 
"Really Yibo! How in the world you got my number?" asked Zhan with a confused look on is face.
"I got it from auntie ok! You look like a bunny who lost his carrots..haha....." Yibo said laughing out loud. Zhan's breath hitched seeing the beautiful smile after years. 'I LOVE YOU' Zhan internally screamed. He so damn wanted to kiss the man in front of him. He loves this man so much that he could not imagine his life without him. He internally sighed. 

"Zhan" Guo Cheng caalled him several times. But the said man was spacing out a lot during their conversation. 
"Down to earth Zhan" Fanxing said snapping his fingers in front of his face. 
"Ah...what were you saying?" asked Zhan looking fully dazed.
"What's wrong? You're spacing out a lot" said fanxing with a concerned look. 
"I'm fine and sorry about that. What time is it?" asked Zhan.
"It's 5:30pm. Are you going somewhere?" asked Guo Cheng seeing him opening his wardrobe. 
"I'm going out for dinned" said Zhan pulling out some outfits to try on. 
"With who?" Cheng and Fanxing asked in unison with eyes widen as this friend of their never went out with anyone except them. 
"Wang Yibo" 
"What! Isn't he the new student from our faculty? How do you know him and why are you going out with him?" asked Guo Cheng with curiosity. 
"Is this one okey?" asked Zhan ignoring their question, showing an outfit.
"It's good" said Fanxing realizing they won't get an answer now, it's better to ask later.
"I'm wearing it then" said Zhan before going in the bathroom, closing the door.
"Hey Fanxing... Don't you think something is weird with him today?" asked Guo Cheng.
"Yep, something is weird" replied Fanxing looking down with a slight pout. Guo Cheng gulped seeing the pout. However Fanxing felt the intense gaze on him and looked up at Guo Cheng who was looking at his pouted lips.
"Is there something on my lips?" asked Fanxing touching his lips but that made the situation worse for Guo Cheng. As they were sitting opposite to each other, Cheng started leaning closer at Fanxing. At that time Fanxing was looking right at Cheng's eyes. As Cheng started leaning in, he started having this weird feeling inside him that made him leaning in as well. Fanxing could feel the other hot breaths on his face. Faces only inches apart from each other, Fanxing closed his eyes. He felt the others lips on his. It was warm and soft. Guo Cheng started moving his lips, gently sucking on the others lips. Fanxing didn't know what to do but he returned the kiss anyway. Moving his lips with rhythm. The kiss was gentle at first but soon it became aggressive. Putting his hands behind the others head, Guo Cheng deepened the kiss. He started licking Fanxings lips and bit his bottom lip hard, making the other moan with slight pain. Seizing the chance, Cheng inserted his tongue inside the hot cavern. Exploring it, soon their tongues met and the gentle kiss became a hot make out session. Sound of sloppy kisses filled the room.

My Happiness(Yizhan) (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن