Chapter 26 : Consolation

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After talking with his mother, Yibo somehow felt a bit relieved. He was really greatful to his mother for understanding him. He really needed it. Yibo didn't know what'll happen to him and Zhan next, but his mom's words really gave him some hope.

Getting up the next morning was a bit awkward then usual to Yibo, as he knew Zhan wasn't somewhere near him. He couldn't sleep well last night. His thoughts were clouded with Zhan and his relationship.

It was the usual time he wakes up in the morning, around 8 am. The first thing he did, is to pick up his phone from the bedside table and call Zhan. Within 2 rings, Zhan received his call.

"Good morning, Bobo" Zhan greeted right after clicking the receive icon.

"Good morning baby. Did you sleep well?" Yibo asked.

"Yes. Did you?"

"Yes, I did. But I missed hugging my wife" Yibo said grinning cause he know the other person is a blushing mess now.

"You grinning. You look like a creep" Zhan said from the other side of the call as if Yibo was right infront of him.

"Haha.. did you had breakfast?" Yibo asked after laughing out loud.

"Not yet. I'll eat at the cafeteria. I've a class at 9:30am. What about you?"

"I just woke up and called you" Yibo replied.

"Aish, Yibo! You go freshen up and then eat breakfast right now" Zhan said

"Yes yes, ok. I just wanted to hear your voice" Yibo said almost whining and heard Zhan sighing.

"I miss you too, Bobo. I love you so much"

"Ahh... I suddenly feel amazing. I think I'll sleep for another hour" Yibo said smiling.

"Are you not hungry?" Zhan asked.

"No. Can you wake me up before your class starts?"


"Ok then. I'll sleep again. Do not skip your breakfast. I'll be back today but it'll be late"

"Ok. Sleep well"

"Mn. Bye honey. Love you too"


Smiling, Yibo cut the call and went back to sleep.

Standing infront of Zhan's house has never been so hard. In the past, he would frankly come here, anytime he wanted. Zhan's mom was like his own. He was welcomed very dearly in this house.

But right now, Yibo felt really nervous. He has been standing infront of the front door for the last 10 minutes. He still couldn't find the courage to knock.

Zhan had called him before his morning class started to wake him up, just like he requested. After having breakfast, he talked with his mother. Yibo's father had ignored him before at breakfast. His mom suggested him to meet Zhan's parents. She said that it was alright and encouraged him. He somehow managed himself to come here. But still couldn't knock.

After standing there for few more minutes he finally knocked on the front door of Zhan's house. He could hear, Zhan's mom shouting, "Coming...."

Yibo heartbeat started rising faster and faster. He had never felt so nervous. His hands were sweating. He was shaking from  inside.

Soon, the front door opened and revealed a ever beautiful women. Zhan's mother, Yibo's another mother. It's clear why Zhan is so beautiful. His mom is very beautiful. She has a calming aura around her just like Zhan.

My Happiness(Yizhan) (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang