The Wedding (Fluff/Humor)

Depuis le début

The camera's flashed as she skipped down the rest of the aisle, the small aw's only continued.

"That tiny human is just so precious, I would kill for it!" Drax yelled out in his deep and booming voice, which caused a couple to snicker(Loki, Bucky, Nat) and others to form of look of concern.

Morgan just giggled, taking it as a compliment knowing that she's been told multiple times that people would kill for her. Morgan walked onto the stage and Peter bent down to be at her height.

"You look beautiful Morgan, you did an amazing job with the flowers." Peter whispered and Morgan smiled and giggled slightly.

"As long I get cake I'm gonna do a good job." Morgan replied softly and Peter fell into laughter.

"Don't ever change that philosophy." Peter high fived Morgan and she sat at the bottom of the stage holding the empty basket. Peter stood back up and watched Harley walk down the aisle, he wore a similar dark tuxedo and colored flower. Harley hugged Tony before going on stage, he fist bumped Peter before standing behind him.

"You clean up nice." Harley muttered sarcastically, Peter just rolled his eyes playfully.

"Yeah, I wish I could say the same about you." Peter muttered with sass and Harley tried to act offended but instead they both let out small laughs. In between the small chatter of Harley and Peter, Shuri and Mj stood at the edge of the aisle. They looked incredible, they both wore brilliant white, perfectly fitted jumpsuits that had long slik trains.

Mj's hair was completely down and in thick perfect coils of dark hair, while Shuri had her hair in two large space buns. They had dark makeup that made their amazing brown eyes pop. They walked hand in hand down the aisle in a perfect cat walk in beautiful black heels. The pair looked so stunning it could have been their wedding. T'challa and Okoye only smirked at Shuri, causing her face to get hot and form a death glare.

Mj and Shuri walked onto the stage, standing on the other side were Ned would eventually stand. Peter smiled at the pair and complimented them on their beauty. The music slowly changed, the soft violin hum decreased in speed and became more angelic. Peter's heart rate quickened, his eyes dilated, as he saw the two people walking towards him.

Ned and May walked down the aisle, arms intertwined. May wore a simple white gown that dragged onto the grass. Her hair was laying in perfect brown waves on her shoulders. Peter just smiled at how gorgeous his Aunt was, inside and out. His eyes then turned upon Ned. A simple black tuxedo, that just looked fantastic on him. His hair laid perfectly on his face, his skin shining in the sunlight. Ned's smile made Peter's knees weak, Peter wiped away a few tears.

May walked onto the stage with Ned, letting go of his arm. Ned and Peter now both stood in front of one another, both with large smiles. May kissed both Ned and Peter's cheeks before standing behind Harley. The music stopped and everyone's attention was now on the couple standing in front of them. The violin slowly faded into nothing, leaving the sound of the wedding to begin. Stephen cleared his throat and adjusted his tie.

"Welcome, today we are here to celebrate Peter Parker and Ned Leeds as they become one." Stephen smiled as Peter and Ned held each others hands. Rocket leaned over to Quill with a disgusted look on his face. "Are they gonna morph together or something." Rocket whispered and Quill just shooed him away, not feeling the need to explain.

"Peter and Ned, have been a couple we all have enjoyed watching develop." Stephen smiled reading off the cards in his hands. The crowds shook their heads in agreement.

"And I could go on and on about the couple, but quite frankly I'm just here to make the marriage legal. So I'll pass it over to Peter and Ned as they exchange their vows." Stephen threw the cards behind his back, his voice was laced with sarcasm. The sudden change in the speech, caused Peter to panic slightly. He cleared his throat before starting his vows.

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