The Ceremony

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Finally I got good news, my mother and Gisselle's mom have set up all of the tables and with the help of our fathers. Gisselle and I were forced to stay in a room with our parents, while Scott and Alejandro had to stay as far away from us as possible.

"Why can't we see our soon to be husbands?" Gisselle asked. "It is bad luck to see your husband before the wedding" my mother said taking both my hand and Gisselle's. Gisselle and I looked at each other, knowing that they could not win this argument.

"Ok" our moms said together. "We are going to head on out and sit at our chairs" Gisselle's mom said sweetly. Our moms then gave us one last brief hug, then wiping away the tears as they walked out. Our fathers looked at us from head to toe as they stood next to us.

"I cannot believe my baby girl is..." my father choked. I wiped away a tear from his eye, it was not very often that I see my dad cry.'s it common to see any father cry unless it is a accomplishment or special occasion.

"I can't believe you two are already getting married" Gisselle's father said looking at us. Gisselle hugged her dad very tightly, I did the same trying not to cry. Knowing that it would mess up my beautiful make up, I held it in. Before I knew it the music had started.

Did I mention that it is an outdoor wedding, under the light of a full moon? Oh,well now you know. Anyways, Ziva walked to the front with Ruby, while making a trail of glow-in-the-dark flower petals. Then Gisselle's father lead her down the isle, followed by my father and I.

Our fathers,then, placed our hands into our grooms hands and sat down. Scott and Alejandro then lead us to our places. The priest then went through the proper speech for a wedding. Then, Scott and Alejandro said their vows, followed by ours.

Then we said our "I do"s, and to end it the priest said "You may now kiss the bride." And of course, we did, followed by applause and a few tears.

Then we went to our after party with all of our friends and family...

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