Chapter 7

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At the dinner table, it was complete silence. "So how was school girls" Dana; Scarlet,Ruby, and Blake's mom; asked. Scarlet sat in silence, completely ignoring the question. "Can we talk about something else, like how nice the weather has been for our winter?" Ruby asked.

"Umm sure," Dana said with a confused look, "so what do you guys think of the weather?" "It's nice, I mean it's supposed to be -10 degrees, but I will settle for 60" Ruby said enthusiastically. "Scarlet what do you think of the weather?" Dana asked. Again Scarlet acted as if no one had said anything and kept quiet.

"Ok then..." Dana started. "Where is your alpha necklace?" Scarlet asked Blake. Blake looked up at Scarlet in shock, "Huh?" "Your alpha necklace, you are not wearing it. Where is it? Huh? Huh?" I said angrily, while getting out of my chair.

"Uhh..." Blake said. "Let me guess. You and Heidi were standing in the woods and she made you want to be with her. So since alphas have to be be with female alphas, you took of your necklace to be able to be with her, didn't you?" Scarlet shouted. "Scarlet, sit down" Dana said.

"No. I will not sit down. Blake left the one and only piece that we still had of dad in the woods somewhere... just for some girl who he thinks loves him" Scarlet yelled. "She does love me! She told me that she knew we were meant to be mates! She would never lie to me, unlike you who is just trying to sabotage my love life!" Blake yelled back.

"You just met her and you claim to be in love with her. Uh, hello, she is from a different pack" Scarlet shouted.
"It's true love" Blake yelled. "It's complete stupidity" I told him. I then got up, grabbed my coat and my shoes, and then I race out of the door. I could already feel the tears rolling down my face again.

"Scarlet!" Ruby shouted, trying to catch up to me. Instead I just ran faster, so fast that I ended up in the woods behind our house within seconds. Unable to see where I was going I tripped over something and to my luck, something had cracked...

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