Chapter 3

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"Hi, Heidi, I'm Ruby. May I ask what pack you are in?" "I'm from the Midnight Frost pack, but they don't really like me. They always call me names that I should probably not say out loud. Anyways can I be friends with you guys?" Heidi said happily.

"Umm I guess so. I'm Scarlet, Ruby's twin sister, and that's Scott, my boyfriend" I said. "Oooo I think me and Scott are going to be the best of friends" Heidi said moving over next to Scott and then gripping his hand. Pushing Scarlet away from him and into Gisselle who had just walked over with Alejandro.

"Um excuse me, what do you think you are doing, holding MY boyfriend's hand" I growled. "Well I just figured..." Heidi started with an evil grin. "You figured what? That you could take me away from my girlfriend, so that I would become your boyfriend. I don't think so" Scott said throwing Heidi's hand down and then taking mine.

Then to show he was taken he leaned in and kissed Scarlet on the lips. "See he is MY boyfriend, and no one else's" I said. Heidi rolled her eyes and then saw Alejandro. "Oh and who is this dazzling person" Heidi said with a grin. "Oh no way girl, this is my guy, and always will be" Gisselle said. Yet Heidi acted as if Gisselle had never said anything, and walked right past her.
Alejandro looked down to see Heidi placing his arm around her shoulders. "Uh in case you could not hear my girlfriend, she said I'm taken" Alejandro said looking at Gisselle.
"Oh, she was being serious, I didn't think someone like her could date someone as handsome as you" Heidi said with a dastardly tone. Gisselle started to growl. "Gisselle," I said,"don't do what your are thinking about. Remember we are mind linked so I know what your are thinking about."
Gisselle could no longer hold back her inner wolf, so right in the middle of the hallway she transformed.

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