Chapter 10

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In the morning, I was the first one awake in the house. All was completely silent, except for the birds chirping and the occasional sniffle of Gisselle's nose. I got up from the bed and grabbed my crutches. I went down stairs and saw Mrs. Dawson drinking coffee and watching the news in their kitchen.

"Well someone is an early bird. How did you sleep?" Mrs. Dawson asked. "Oh, as soon as I sat down on that bed I fell right asleep" I said. "Gisselle is always telling me how soft her bed is, and I just thought she was crazy" she said. I laughed, "Why are you up so early?" "Oh, I just like to watch the morning news" she said motioning to the television.

"Anything interesting?" I asked. "Well, there was 7 puppies rescued from an abandoned building that was falling down" she said. "Awe," I said. "Yeah. I wish everyone could do stuff like this everyday, that way no bad things would occur on the news" She said.

"Yeah, I do to" I said. I walked over to the door, and then said "Is it ok if I go for a walk?" "Yes, but I'm going to call Scott's mom, so that you do not have to go alone" she said while heading over to the phone. "Ok, I'll wait on the porch" I told her.

"Hey sweetheart. How's you leg?" Scott said, while coming onto the porch. "It's ok I guess" I told him. "So I heard that you want to take a walk" Scott said with a grin. "Yeah, well I still haven't found the alpha necklace that my brother lost" I said. "Ok, let's go then" he said.

Once we made it to the woods, we started searching for the necklace. Hours had passed, Gisselle and Alejandro had joined in on the search. "Well what is all this about?" a familiar voice said. Gisselle started to growl, "Where are you hiding, Heidi?" I looked up, "She's in the trees."

Then we heard cracking, next thing we knew a branch crashed down in front of us. Along with a not so light Heidi. "What do you want?" Gisselle asked. "Who me? I do not want anything. I just wanna show you guys my new necklace" Heidi said happily. "Nooooo!" I shouted, "She has the ALPHA NECKLACE!"

Before I knew it I was full on wolf and racing towards Heidi...

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