Chapter 9

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When Scott, Scarlet, Ruby, and Gisselle made it to Gisselle's house Scott kissed Scarlet and then went back to his house. Ruby looked at Scarlet's cast. "Do you think you will be able to shower and change your clothes by yourself?" Ruby said softly.

"Well, technically, I'm not alone. Gisselle, and her family will be here so I should be fine" Scarlet said.
Ruby then handed Scarlet a bag of clothes and everyday supplies. Ruby then slowly started to walk off of the porch, "Hey. Ruby, don't look so sad. This just for today and maybe tomorrow. I just..." I said sadly. I then felt a tear roll down my cheek, "It's just until I can think things through...with...what happened between me and...Blake."

Ruby turned around, ran back onto the porch, and hugged me.
I could feel little droplets of water on my back. "Promise?" Ruby asked before a sob. "I promise" I said as tears, then, began streaming down my cheeks. Ruby backed away and wiped the tears from her cheeks with her sleeve, I did the same. "Goodnight" Ruby said to me and Gisselle.

We waited until Ruby was out of sight, and then we went inside of Gisselle's house. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson" I said. "Oh, Scarlet, thank gosh you are ok" Mrs. Dawson said. "I'm fine. Where's Ziva at?" I asked. "She's playing up stairs. Ziiiiivvvvaaa, Scarlet is here" Mrs. Dawson yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

Then Ziva came racing down the stairs and hopped right onto my lap. "Hi Scarlet" Ziva said happily. "Ziva. You need to be careful. Didn't you see Scarlet's cast?" Mrs. Dawson said. "She's fine" I said sweetly. Then I looked at Ziva, who sat peacefully on my lap, "So I see you have been working on your jumping and landing skills." "Yep," Ziva said proudly, "I practice a lot when I'm playing with Austin."

"Speaking of Austin, where is he?" I asked. "He's in the living room, napping like a baby" Ziva said with a funny tone. "Gisselle," I said, "Can you hand me my crutches?" "Yeah. Here you go" Gisselle said handing me a pair of crutches.

I got up from the wheel chair, and used my crutches to walk all the way into their living room. On the couch, lay Austin snoring away. Then I shouted, "WAKE UP, WAKE UP! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK OF POTATOES!" Almost immediately, Austin sat straight up screaming and flailing his arms in every direction. Gisselle and I were cracking up, while Ziva was rolling around on the floor laughing.

"Hey! That was not funny!" Austin shouted. "Uhhh yeah that was. You screamed like a little girl" I said laughing. Then Gisselle and I went up stairs, followed by Ziva. On the way to Gisselle's room I saw Mr. Dawson reading a book. "Hi Mr. Dawson" I said. "Well hello Scarlet. Oh dear that is bad. Did they tell you how long you will have to wear it?" he asked.
"About 6 months" I said looking at my leg. "Ah. Well I think you will be able to manage" he said before he returned to his book. "I hope so" I said sadly.

"Well you can sleep in the guest bedroom if you want, or you could sleep in my room on the bottom bunk" Gisselle said. "I'll sleep on the bottom bunk, that way we can pretty much have a good old sleepover" I said happily. "Ok, but we do not need any little ears listening in on our conversations" Gisselle said looking at Ziva.

"What?" Ziva said looking at Gisselle with puppy eyes. "Oh no you don't. Out" Gisselle said strictly. "Fine" Ziva said sadly as she walked out of Gisselle's room. Then, after Ziva was completely out of the doorway, Gisselle closed the door. "Well, it's kinda late so..." Gisselle started to say but then stopped when she saw me sound asleep on the bottom bunk. "Goodnight" Gisselle said as she turned out the lights.

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