Chapter 16

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When I woke up I noticed that my sister was already awake. "Good morning beautiful sister of mine" Ruby said happily. I yawned, "Morning."

"I have already called Gisselle, and invited her over for breakfast. She is down stairs" Ruby said walking over to her shoes. I walked over to our closet and pulled out a batgirl tank top. Then I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my gray skinny jeans, and I went into the bathroom to put them on.

When I came out Ruby handed me my turquoise sweat shirt and turquoise converse. "Well someone is excited" I told her. Ruby looked at me and giggled, "I'm just really excited to go dress shopping. It's kind of my specialty."

"Well I'm glad your excited about all of this. I haven't told Blake yet because...well you know" I told her as I threw on my sweatshirt and converse. "Yeah, I'm not sure how he would react to that" Ruby said.

Then we walked down the stairs together to see Gisselle sipping hot chocolate. "Hi" I said. "Hello" Gisselle replied. My mom came in, "Hello, girls. Did you sleep well?" "Yeah" we said together. I saw pancakes on the counter, so I went over and took two. Ruby watched me while I ate.

When I finished, Ruby immediately took my plate and placed it in the dishwasher. Gisselle set her cup down and Ruby put that in the dishwasher too. "Ok let's go" I said.

We walked out to my Jeep, and got in. Gisselle sat in the passenger seat and Ruby sat it the back. We arrived at the bridal show at around 11. When we went inside there was almost no one there. "How may I be of your assistance?" A woman asked us. "Well me and my friend are getting married so we came here to look at the dresses you have" I told her motioning toward Gisselle. "And who is this?" the woman asked looking at Ruby.

"This is my sister, she is also the maid of honor" I told her. "Very well. Any ideas of what you girls want?" "Well it's going to be a super hero themed wedding so" I said. "Well we may not have hero dresses, we have many colors. So perhaps you could pick one color from your heroes suit and get a dress with that color" the woman said.

"Ok" we all said, and then we all started looking around. About 2 hours later, we found our dresses. "These are the ones that you girls want?" the woman asked us. "Yeah" I told her. "Ok, well we are having a deal where if you buy three dresses you can get one for free. Would you girls like to pick out another dress?" the woman asked.

"Umm" I looked at Ruby and Gisselle. "Oh! We need a dress for my little sister" Gisselle said to the woman. Gisselle looked at us, "I almost forgot about Ziva." We giggled as the woman took us over to the little girl section.

"Well, since Ruby is going to wear a blue dress, I think Ziva should have a red dress" Gisselle said looking at a little red dress. "Oh I love this one" Gisselle said showing us the dress. "Yep. That's perfect" Ruby and I said together.

"Ok. Will that be all for you girls?" The woman asked. "Yes, that's it" I told her, while pulling out my wallet. "Ok your total is..." the woman started. "No no, do not tell us" I told her. Then each of us placed $30 thousand dollars on the counter, each.

Then we walked out and looked at each other, "Well I guess we are all broke now so let's head back to my house" I said. We all laughed as we walked over to my Jeep.

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