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"Hello Mrs. Lee. Is Taeyong home?" Ten said as soon as Mrs lee opened the door.

"Yes come in. I'll call him." Mrs. Lee welcomed him inside.

"Don't bother. I'll go up. He's in is room right?"

"Yes." Mrs lee gave him a smile and Ten went upstairs.

He didn't even bother to knock and went inside and fall in Taeyong's bed beside him. Taeyong jumped a little when someone suddenly lied beside him but calmed down after seeing Ten.

"Ya. Where's the privacy? You could knock." Taeyong said getting up and glaring the latter.

"Whatever." Ten just shrugged still laying on the bed. Taeyong just just shook his head.

"Why did you come so suddenly?"

"Just. I was bored."

"What were you doing?" Ten asked again.

"Just playing with phone."

"I guess I wasn't the only one bored."

"Yeah." Taeyong lied beside Ten again.
"I'm glad you came. We can do something together."

"What do you want to do?" Ten smirked as he rotated and lied above Taeyong. Both hands on each side of Taeyong. He came closer to Taeyong. Their face so close that their breath colliding.

Taeyong pushed him and got up. Ten fell on the bed again laughing hard. Taeyong rolled his eyes.

"I meant watching movie, playing games or talking." Taeyong said getting annoyed.

Ten controlled his laugh. "I didn't say anything either. I just asked. You didn't have to be that flustered."

"I wasn't flustered."

"Ya right. You should have seen your face."

"Shut up."

"Don't worry.  I don't blame you. Anyone would be gay for me and you are already one to begin with."

"Stop dreaming, will you?"

They stopped their argument when Mrs. Lee entered the room with snacks and drinks.

Now they are enjoying the snacks and drinks in peace.

"You want to tell me something." Ten said looking at Taeyong.


"I just asked if you have something to say. You look as if you are thinking something."

"It's nothing."

"You know you can tell me right."

"I know." Taeyong just smiled. "But I have something to ask."

"Ask." Ten said sitting beside Taeyong.

"You have crush on Johnny don't you."

"How did you know?"

"It's just your expression I guess. Something about how you behave with him. I don't know exactly what but I just knew." Taeyong said laughing at his own answer.

"It is true. People can see someone liking other except when it's for them." Ten thought.

"I had."

"What do you mean?"

"He already has someone."

"What?" Taeyong was shocked.

"Yes. He always smiles a lot while texting someone and I saw him with someone."

"I didn't know that." Taeyong was now sorry for bringing it up.

"Don't worry. No one did. And I'm already moving on." Ten smiled.

"Come here." Taeyong hugged Ten. "I'm always there for you okay."

Ten smiled even more in the hug.

"I know."

I can't believe i almost forgot to post this watching drama. But when i remember the shitty net didn't do its job that's why I'm updating the next day. I'll update today at my regular time and this is of yesterday. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy. Love you guys.😁😁

Heart Knows/ Dotae (Different) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now